2023 Oct 19 4:26 AM
Hello all,
I have implemented BADI_SLS_HEAD_SCR_CUS and I want to know what program and screen I need to use in method ACTIVATE_TAB_PAGE. Can I make a copy of screen 4323 (Subscreen Container for BADI_SLS_HEAD_SCR_CUS) and use it as the dynpro and SAPMV45A as the program?
How do we use screen 4323?
2023 Oct 19 5:48 PM
This is what I found. Screen 4323 is there to control the flow of the screen you create. I created a screen and called it 9000 and put my field on it. I put the code below in the ACTIVATE_TAB_PAGE method. So, now I have a tab (it's next to the Additional Data B tab in the Header Data section) with my field on it. I have seen other posts explaining how to get it in the menu path.
My ultimate goal is to populate this field with a value passed from BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2.
I'll update this post once I figure that out.
METHOD if_ex_sls_head_scr_cus~activate_tab_page.
DATA: l_head_scr TYPE LINE OF sales_cust_tab_page_t.
CONSTANTS: c_caption TYPE string VALUE 'FPX DATA',
c_program TYPE string VALUE 'SAPMV45A',
c_dynpro TYPE string VALUE '9000'.
l_head_scr-head_caption = c_caption.
l_head_scr-head_program = c_program.
l_head_scr-head_dynpro = c_dynpro.
APPEND l_head_scr TO ct_cus_head_tab.
2023 Oct 19 2:21 PM
AFAIK create subscreens in a custom program
2023 Oct 19 5:49 PM
2023 Oct 19 5:48 PM
This is what I found. Screen 4323 is there to control the flow of the screen you create. I created a screen and called it 9000 and put my field on it. I put the code below in the ACTIVATE_TAB_PAGE method. So, now I have a tab (it's next to the Additional Data B tab in the Header Data section) with my field on it. I have seen other posts explaining how to get it in the menu path.
My ultimate goal is to populate this field with a value passed from BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2.
I'll update this post once I figure that out.
METHOD if_ex_sls_head_scr_cus~activate_tab_page.
DATA: l_head_scr TYPE LINE OF sales_cust_tab_page_t.
CONSTANTS: c_caption TYPE string VALUE 'FPX DATA',
c_program TYPE string VALUE 'SAPMV45A',
c_dynpro TYPE string VALUE '9000'.
l_head_scr-head_caption = c_caption.
l_head_scr-head_program = c_program.
l_head_scr-head_dynpro = c_dynpro.
APPEND l_head_scr TO ct_cus_head_tab.