2006 Apr 12 11:56 AM
Hii All,
I have written an RFC in one client (500) which calls the information from production client (080) which is in another server. Now, when I establish RFC connection using Logical System, the remote test is successful whereas when I use this Logical System name n Destination address, it is giving me a short dump. Can anyone help me out what might be the error? I think as the production client is in a different server, simply mentioning the Logical System is not enough.any suggestions???
2006 Apr 12 11:59 AM
Hi Abdul,
1. in destination, eg.
call function 'xyz' destination 'prd'
we have to use the name from SM59.
2. in sm59 --> R/3 connections.
amit m.
2006 Apr 12 12:01 PM
Check in SM59 you have maintained the Destination first.
You need to maintain the RFC destination first and then try.
for setting the RFC destination use SM59, may be you will not hold authority to do that.
contact your BASIS team.
2006 Apr 12 12:03 PM
You can see the RFC destinations in Tabel RFCDES.
Remember RFC destinations are Case sensitive.
2006 Apr 12 12:04 PM
2006 Apr 12 12:14 PM
You could use this function module LOG_SYSTEM_GET_RFC_DESTINATION to get the logical RFC destination. If the SY-SUBRC is zero then you can proceed else you will have to maintain the logical system first.