2017 Nov 14 11:52 AM
I am using a custom report to download and send the data in an email using if_ixml_element. While downloading the amounts are in general data format. User require the same in number format. I'm able to download in Number format, but currently, it is not displaying with thousand separators. Can anyone help how I can achieve this using this interface?
I'm not using abap2xlsx as this is an old program and doing minor modifications. Please help me on this.
2018 Jan 02 4:15 AM
This can be achieved by using string templates. If you are passing the amount to a string .
Data: lv_tot_amt_pay TYPE string,
ls_total_amount_payable type waers.
lv_tot_amt_pay = |{ ls_total_amount_payable CURRENCY = 'RM' NUMBER = USER }|.