2012 Oct 03 6:01 AM
Hi all,
i am using one local class inside my program for handling different events called from two ALVs(one at TOP and another at BOTTOM) in my screen.
now I want to know which reference object is calling the class from inside my method so that i can handle the behavior of ALVs in a different way depending on which ALV(TOP or BOTTOM), i am working on.
2012 Oct 03 7:44 AM
Use the parameter SENDER which is always available
class lcl_event_receiver definition.
public section.
for event double_click of cl_gui_alv_grid
importing e_row e_column sender,
class lcl_event_receiver implementation.
method handle_double_click.
case sender.
when grid_main.
read table itab_main index e_row-index into record_main.
2012 Oct 03 7:44 AM
Use the parameter SENDER which is always available
class lcl_event_receiver definition.
public section.
for event double_click of cl_gui_alv_grid
importing e_row e_column sender,
class lcl_event_receiver implementation.
method handle_double_click.
case sender.
when grid_main.
read table itab_main index e_row-index into record_main.