2008 Apr 11 9:55 AM
Hello Experts,
How do I get the net price of a given material? Just like when entering a
material in VA01(sales order creation). Hope you can help me guys.
Thank you and take care!
2008 Apr 11 5:45 PM
This is a million dollar question.
It depends on how the pricing have been configured in your system and only your SD consultant can answer it correctly. Price in VA01 could be determined by using the pricing conditions or, if allowed, a manual user entry (i.e. when users just type in the price). Discounts, taxes, etc. are calculated in a similar way, also based on the configuration.
Pricing conditions are displayed in transaction VK13. You might want to take a look at an order in VA03 -> double-click on a line and go to Conditions tab. There are buttons Analysis and Condition Rec. that might be useful for your research. It is possible to configure different price for the same material and different customer, distribution channel, etc., so you will have to ask your SD consultant how to get the correct number in each case.
Just FYI the net price on the order/contract is in VBAP-NETWR and condition are stored in the tables Annn, e.g. A901, etc. The tables are generated according to the configuration and are different in each system.
2008 Apr 11 5:45 PM
This is a million dollar question.
It depends on how the pricing have been configured in your system and only your SD consultant can answer it correctly. Price in VA01 could be determined by using the pricing conditions or, if allowed, a manual user entry (i.e. when users just type in the price). Discounts, taxes, etc. are calculated in a similar way, also based on the configuration.
Pricing conditions are displayed in transaction VK13. You might want to take a look at an order in VA03 -> double-click on a line and go to Conditions tab. There are buttons Analysis and Condition Rec. that might be useful for your research. It is possible to configure different price for the same material and different customer, distribution channel, etc., so you will have to ask your SD consultant how to get the correct number in each case.
Just FYI the net price on the order/contract is in VBAP-NETWR and condition are stored in the tables Annn, e.g. A901, etc. The tables are generated according to the configuration and are different in each system.
2008 Apr 11 6:32 PM
I Hope it Help u,
Netprice will read from pricing procedure it checks the Alternative condition base value,
standard pricing procedure is RVAA01 ,If u want to check tcode is v/08 select postion
Check RVAA01.