2023 Jul 12 5:25 AM
Hi Experts,
Can Any one give me solution how to get Backup catelog details from DB12 Tcode into My Custom Report Program which is shown below.
2023 Jul 12 7:04 AM
DATA(system) = cl_db6_sys=>get_sys_ref( system_id = sy-sysid
synchronize = abap_false ).
DATA(meta) = cl_dba_rdi_meta=>get_instance( sys_ref = system
use_new_query_processor = abap_false ).
DATA(query) = NEW cl_hdb_rdi_query( rdi_meta = meta ).
DATA itab TYPE hdb_backup_catalogue_tab.
query->if_dba_rdi_query~set_top_n( 1000 ).
query->if_dba_rdi_query~get_snapshot( EXPORTING ddic_src = cl_hdb_rdi_meta=>co_ddic_hdb_backup_catalogue
IMPORTING data = itab ).
CATCH cx_root.
please try :).
2023 Jul 12 5:54 AM
Look at tables SDBAH and SDBAD (or execute a trace during execution of the transaction)
2023 Jul 12 6:07 AM
Hi Raymond,
I checked both SDBAH and SDBAD tables but database table entries are empty and im not able to find any details through tracing also.
2023 Jul 12 7:04 AM
DATA(system) = cl_db6_sys=>get_sys_ref( system_id = sy-sysid
synchronize = abap_false ).
DATA(meta) = cl_dba_rdi_meta=>get_instance( sys_ref = system
use_new_query_processor = abap_false ).
DATA(query) = NEW cl_hdb_rdi_query( rdi_meta = meta ).
DATA itab TYPE hdb_backup_catalogue_tab.
query->if_dba_rdi_query~set_top_n( 1000 ).
query->if_dba_rdi_query~get_snapshot( EXPORTING ddic_src = cl_hdb_rdi_meta=>co_ddic_hdb_backup_catalogue
IMPORTING data = itab ).
CATCH cx_root.
please try :).
2023 Jul 12 7:37 AM
Hi xiaosan yu,
Thank you very much for your Source code and its been working, I have been Looking for this answer for more than a week, finally you have given. Thank you very much xiaosan yu.
2023 Jul 12 7:45 AM
2023 Aug 10 6:27 PM
Dear xiaosan yu,
Last time youve shared me source code, from that im getting Tetant DB backup details, Now the issue is I need to get system DB details from DB12, I have debugged the standard program but it is protected by Kernal mode as shown below.
Can you tell me or share any source code to get system DB backup status details.
2023 Aug 11 2:05 AM
I'm a bit confused about the difference between the backup details of Titant DB and system DB, and where did you see the system DB backup details?
2023 Aug 11 4:45 AM
Hi xiaosanyu,
In our Hana system we have two System. one is IKD(development) and second one is System DB.
he source code you shared me is for IKD, If its possible let me know how to get system db details.
In below one look at the destination path is DB_IKD ( Belongs to IKD )
In below one destination path is DB_systemdb ( belongs to System DB )
These System DB details gets displayed when im switching from IKD to SYSTEMDB
2023 Aug 11 6:27 AM
pls try, change system_id = sy-sysid to system_id = 'SYSTEMDB'
2023 Aug 11 10:01 AM
Hi xiaosanyu,
Once Again Thank you for suggestion, Its working but the issue is while executing the code the SYSTEMDB is getting delete in DB12,
we need to add the system DB manually Again.