2023 Jun 12 3:22 PM
Hi, I need to get "Sales/purchases" value from FD10N to use it in a custom report, how can I retrieve it? Is there any bapi or module function? Should I access BSID and BSAD? In that case, is there any filter I have to use?
Is it always the same values as for FBL5N?
2023 Jun 12 3:45 PM
Look at
2023 Jun 13 2:42 PM
Thanks!! I didn't know KNC1 and KNC3. Non of the bapi returns what I need but I found it on tables.
2023 Jun 13 4:21 PM
Are there differences between the transaction display and the field DEBITOR_BALANCES-MNTH_SALES returned by BAPI_AR_ACC_GETPERIODBALANCES ?