2023 Apr 04 9:38 AM
I've got an custom button in mine toolbar of salv table.
Can i get current (modifield ) fieldcat and data after clicking it?
2023 Apr 04 10:02 AM
Does the layout button not provide you the fields?
2023 Apr 04 11:15 AM
I found how to get fieldcat
gc_columns = gc_alv_table->get_columns( ).
gc_columns->set_optimize( ).
lo_aggregations = gc_alv_table->get_aggregations( ).
gt_fieldcat = cl_salv_controller_metadata=>get_lvc_fieldcatalog(
r_columns = gc_columnsr_aggregations = lo_aggregations ).
loop at gt_fieldcat ASSIGNING <FS_FIELDCAT> where no_out is initiaL
But how to get filtred values?
2023 Apr 04 5:03 PM
2023 Apr 06 6:26 AM
and what to do next? i found
gc_filters = gc_alv_table->get_filters( ).
my_value = cl_salv_controller_metadata=>GET_LVC_FILTER(
R_FILTERS = gc_filters ).
I need to loop at my table with switch and 20 cases inside? Can i do it easier or not, its EHP3 version, and methods like get_data( ) set_filter( ) get_model( ) doesn't exist.