2007 Dec 14 7:36 PM
Hello All,
I am trying to write an ALV, in which user wants to see the tplnr for equipment, I mean they want to know which user move the equipment to which location. Now I got all the parts running except that I can not seem to get the location (tplnr). If I try with the datbi (table equz) with datbi = '99991231', i get only the current location for the equipment. Is it possible to get all the location where this equipment been time by time? There is a field in equz "timbi" , but I can not seem to get the right logic to get the things done.
I inner join equi, equz, and iloa table together on equnr to get the location but so far only able to get only the current location.
2007 Dec 14 7:41 PM
Here is the select statement I am using:
SELECT DISTINCT mkpfusnam mkpfbudat mkpfcputm mkpfmblnr mkpfmjahr msegbwart msegwerks mseglgort objksernr objkmatnr
FROM mkpf AS mkpf
INNER JOIN mseg AS mseg ON ( msegmblnr = mkpfmblnr
AND msegmjahr = mkpfmjahr )
INNER JOIN ser03 AS ser03 ON ( ser03mblnr = mkpfmblnr
AND ser03mjahr = mkpfmjahr )
INNER JOIN objk AS objk ON ( objkobknr = ser03obknr )
INNER JOIN equi AS equi ON ( equimatnr = objkmatnr
AND equisernr = objksernr )
WHERE mkpf~usnam = p_userid
AND mkpf~budat IN p_date.
And trying to get the tplnr value
select equnr tplnr timbi into table it_tplnr from v_equi
where datbi = '99991231'.
sort it_tplnr by equnr.
loop at it_out.
read table it_tplnr with key equnr = it_out-equnr binary search.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
write: / 'No Data found: ' , sy-tabix.
elseif sy-subrc = 0.
it_out-tplnr = it_tplnr-tplnr.
modify it_out.
2007 Dec 14 9:42 PM
You can go via V_EQUI view.
EQUI-EQUNR = EQUZ-EQUNR -> Equipment master data
EQUZ-ILOAN = ILOA-ILOAN -> Equipment time segment
ILOA-TPLNR = IFLOT-TPLNR -> IFLOT is table for function al Location
Or use this BAPI to get the Details of tyhe Equipment.
2007 Dec 15 3:27 AM
2007 Dec 15 3:30 AM
Try this functional module....
pass the equipment no with leading zero,s
the output will bet the list of functional locations where the equipment is installed
reward if useful....
2008 Jan 03 12:05 AM
2008 Jan 03 3:53 AM
Hi You can use V_EQUI providing the dates which you are looking and
you can use the function module EQUIPMENT_GET_INSTALL_HISTORY.