2017 Jun 19 8:57 AM
Hi Team,
How to find out the query type .if i know the query name and group,infoset.
2017 Jun 19 11:01 AM
2017 Jun 19 12:47 PM
Either look in SQ02 for the infoset, or in a program browse table AQLSCAT (stabdard) vs AQGSCAT (global) for the Infoset.
2017 Jun 19 2:55 PM
Thanks but I need to find out the query type whether it is standard or global..' based on query name and user group.
.I got one FM 'RSAQ_DECODE_REPORT_NAME and it needs input as program..and gives output as WORKSPACE
'G' or ' ',user group,query name.
G means Global area
' ' means standard.
But here we want the query type and program based on the queryname and user group.
We want reversal way of findings.kindly help me.
2017 Jun 20 6:28 AM
Then why did you wrote you know the infoset... Nevertheless, look at FM SAQ_IMPORT_QUERY to get information on query/group, call it once with global work area 'G' and once with standard one space value, of course handle the NO_QUERY exception.
2017 Jun 19 2:38 PM
how to identify the query type based on the user group and query name.I want any standard FM or table maintained.