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How to find mapping between screen label on a transaction and table column

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi ,

Can anyone please help me to find the mapping between screen label on a transaction screen and table column.

For e.g. VA03 has label Standard Order the correspponding field is VBELN of VBAK table.

I need to retrieve this info using sap jco as I have developed java program which needs to retrieve the above info.

I do not have any background in SAP as I am into java.

I need to find a generalised approach to find such mappings for all the transaction screens.

Is there any system table or DD* table that holds this information or RFC from which I can get this.

Thanks and Regards,

Edited by: MNGhosh on Sep 15, 2009 4:46 AM


Former Member
0 Kudos


Table DD03L holds the table and fieldname. With the ROLLNAME in this table you can go to DD04T to find the descriptions. With the transaction SE11 (or SE16(N) ) you can have a look for yourself. Succes,



Former Member
0 Kudos


Table DD03L holds the table and fieldname. With the ROLLNAME in this table you can go to DD04T to find the descriptions. With the transaction SE11 (or SE16(N) ) you can have a look for yourself. Succes,


0 Kudos

Hi ,

Thanks for the information.

It was helpful.I could see that for VBELN of VBAK table the ROLLNAME is VBELN_VA.

When I queried DD04T for VBELN_VA ,it gives me the DDTEXT for it as 'Sales Document'.

However, if on VA03 the same field is displayed with label Standard Order.

My requirement is how to find relation between a table field(VBELN)or DDTEXT(Sales Document) and the label displayed(STANDARD ORDER) on a transaction screen.

The two may be different. This is just one instance.

I need to derive a generalised solution for all transcations not just VA03.

Being a Java programmer, I have limited knowledge of SAP.

Hence, it would be great help if you could suggest some standard RFC or some table that stores this information so that it can be retrieved from java layer and not SAP GUI.



Edited by: MNGhosh on Sep 15, 2009 8:47 AM

0 Kudos

Hi... Are u Mainak Ghosh from CEC Chandrapur ?

Just had a hunch!

All screen fields have a corresponding variable or structure to hold the value. You can get to this structure information using F1, then Technical information.

The structure name may contain the table name. Otherwise, double click the data element which will provide you Description of the data element and in Field Lable tab, the field labels too.

You can then use where-used to search for table fields where this data-element is used and get a few possible tables where the screen field is coming from.

I know this is not what you want, but this is how we usually find tables for on-screen fields.


0 Kudos

Hi ,

I am not the one you thought.

Anyways the information was helpful as I am not a sap person so any extra information on the same is anytime welcome.

Edited by: MNGhosh on Sep 15, 2009 10:32 AM