2021 Aug 12 2:51 PM
Hello everyone,
I'm currently trying to change the VBRK-REGIO field value upon creation of the invoice in VF01. I've tried using the USEREXIT_FILL_VBRK_VBRP in RV60AFZC. Debugging shows that my code works, but VBRK-REGIO is being overwritten at a later point by KUVEW-REGIO in Include LV60AA95.
* Steuerdaten übernehmen
vbrk-vbund = kurgv-vbund.
vbrk-kunrg = kurgv-kunnr.
vbrk-kunag = kuagv-kunnr.
vbrk-land1 = kuwev-land1.
vbrk-regio = kuwev-regio.
vbrk-counc = kuwev-counc.
vbrk-cityc = kuwev-cityc.
vbrp-txjcd = kuwev-txjcd.
I couldn't find other Userexits, that would allow me to change the value again at a later point.
Any ideas on how to make my changes stick?
2021 Aug 13 7:00 AM
please check the data copy routine maintained in either VTFA or VTFL.
Assign with help of ABAPer an own VOFM routine here to copy the data as required
2021 Aug 13 7:00 AM
please check the data copy routine maintained in either VTFA or VTFL.
Assign with help of ABAPer an own VOFM routine here to copy the data as required
2021 Aug 13 10:51 AM
This worked, we already had a routine in place, which I modified.
Thank you very much!