2017 Nov 14 1:05 PM
I made an enhancement in Include MV45AF0F_FCODE_BEARBEITEN in Form FCODE_BEARBEITEN.
I used one of standard keys with its original function code to process some changes in the sales order using BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2
After executing this code I get this error message
Flow control: Entry SAPMV45B, U0, * is missing in T185V
Although the BAPI is executed successfully with no errors.
I think we need to fill table T185V with values.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to fill it.
Please Help!
2017 Nov 14 1:34 PM
The transaction to change the screen flow is VFBS. However, I wouldn't change it unless it was critical. There are just too many variables. The sales order screen code is used in many different places. If you are going to make the change - I'd advise you to search for VFBS and/or changing screen control.
I did this once. I will do just about anything to avoid making a screen flow change.
Good luck!