2007 Aug 14 10:15 AM
I want to expand the view of a table in Screen Painter. I am
using a copied version of the function module 'MEQR', which has
a default setting for 6 lines visible in the outputview it
seems. I have changed this to 15 lines in Screen Painter, but no
changes are visible when I run the program that uses this
Function Module. I get no errormsg when I activate the module,
but when I run a Layout check in Screen painter it returns the
following: "Inelegancies - Layout changes possible/necessary?"
and "I/O field has no ID to immediate left".
Could someone please help?
Best Regards
Arne Jakob
2007 Sep 17 2:09 PM
First make changes in Call Screen, 'starting at' 'ending at' attributes. Then resize the actual table.