2022 Nov 21 1:01 PM
Hi there.
I am using BAPI_PO_CHANGE to duplicate an existing POITEM into a new line. Using the ME22N transaction, there is a button that does this automatically.
However, I am not really sure about how to do it properly via BAPI. I am retriving the details with BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL1 and appending a new line to poitem table with a new po_item index.
For the other data (account, schedule, conditions..), I am filling the whole X structure checking if the coppied value structure has a value or not.
FORM get_flag_struct USING data_struct TYPE any
flag_struct_name TYPE ddobjname
CHANGING filled_flag_struct TYPE any.
CLEAR filled_flag_struct.
cl_reca_ddic_tabl=>get_field_list( EXPORTING id_name = flag_struct_name
IMPORTING et_field_list = DATA(table_data) ).
LOOP AT table_data ASSIGNING FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_field>).
ASSIGN COMPONENT <fs_field>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE data_struct TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_data>).
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
ASSIGN COMPONENT <fs_field>-fieldname OF STRUCTURE filled_flag_struct TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_datax>).
IF <fs_data> IS NOT INITIAL.
<fs_datax> = SWITCH #( <fs_field>-rollname WHEN 'BAPIUPDATE' THEN 'X' ELSE <fs_data> ).
After that, I mark the root item as deleted and finally call the BAPI. Is there a standard way to do this? Because retriving all the additional tables (account, etc) seems a bit overkill.