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How to download data into one cell of excel in different lines

Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi All,

My Report downloads data from R/3 to excel. Now one particular field contains multiple lines, which i needs to download into different lines into that particular cell(of excel). how can i do this.

I found one method for this and that is cl_abap_char_utilities=>newline.But this is in abap version 6.0.

But i am working in version 4.6c. do we have any method or anything that meets my requirement in 4.6c.

Please let me know.

Thanx in Advance



Former Member
0 Kudos

why do you split them to the internal table ,then download it?

Is you special field long text?

If is ,you can use FM READ_TEXT to put it into an internal table ,then download it.