2009 Jun 09 9:36 AM
How to display multiple records from two internal table without using nesting of loop
2009 Jun 09 9:42 AM
use joins,to get data from different tables.
SELECT vbak~vbeln
FROM vbak AS vbak
INNER JOIN vbap AS vbap
ON vbakvbeln = vbapvbeln
WHERE vbak~auart = p_auart.
Edited by: Jayapradha Neeli on Jun 9, 2009 2:13 PM
2009 Jun 09 9:47 AM
hi jaya,
you are not getting my point actually i want to show rrecord from two internal tables without using nesting of loop.
is it possible but how?
2009 Jun 09 10:23 AM
Hi Alok,
Plz do as following-
Data tabix like sy-tabix.
Sort itab1 by field1.
Sort itab2 by field1.
Transfer the contents of table itab1 to corresponding field of table itab2 according to their key fields.
then use the write statement.
Loop at itab2.
tabix = sy-tabix.
read table itab1 with key field1 = itab2-field1 binary search.
if sy-subrc = 0.
*move the fields from itab1 to itab2.
move-corresponding fields of table itab1 to itab2. " (field1 to field10 belongs to itab1)
modify itab2 index tabix.
write 😕 itab2-field1, itab2-field2, ........ itab2-field10, itab2-field11, ................ itab20-field.
clear: itab1, itab2.
or u can also use third table itab3 which has the fields from both the tables ie. itab1, itab2
Edited by: madan namdeo on Jun 9, 2009 11:26 AM
2009 Jun 09 9:45 AM
Try to take data(split 2 into 3) in another internal table in such a way that one LOOP statement followed by subsequent READ statements work .
2009 Jun 09 9:51 AM
ok i agree from u. but when u would show multiple records from two internal tables then how will u display without using nested loop.
2009 Jun 09 9:45 AM
Hi alok srivastava,
As per the requirements and from what tables we are fetching data will make us to decide whether can be done with out Nesting Loops or Not.
So, try to breif your issue for better solutions.
Suneel G
2009 Jun 09 9:47 AM
By using LOOP and READ statements
An ex; here:
loop at tb_STAB.
read table tb_SOSTAB WITH KEY ebeln = tb_STAB-ebeln.
if sy-subrc eq 0.
write :/2 tB_STAB-ebeln color 4,
20 lv_msg2 color 5,
70 tb_SOSTAB-vbeln color 4,
100 lv_msg3 color 5.
Pl. search, you'll find more results here
2009 Jun 09 9:49 AM
If u dont want to use nested loop, u can do it via READ statement.
Foe example.
Loop at itab1.
write the content of itab1.
read table itab2 with key field1 = itab1-field1.
if sy-subrc = 0.
write the content of itab2.
Edited by: Sheelesh on Jun 9, 2009 2:19 PM
2009 Jun 09 9:54 AM
but we use read statement for only one record if we want to show multiple records from second table
then what should i do.
2009 Jun 09 9:55 AM
better to use for all entries instead of inner joins to add two more tables.
for example.
select <field names> into table <itab1> from <databasetable 1>
if itab[] is not initial.
select <field names> into table <itab2> from <databasetable 2>
for all entries in <itab1>
where <condition>.
finally need to display in one table.
loo at itab1.
read table <itab2> wiht key <condition>
itab1-fieldnames = itab2-fieldnames
modify itab1 transporting <new fields>
2009 Jun 09 10:04 AM
If ur second internal table has multiple records then you have to process these records in loop because in a single process you can write multiple records of second table.
You can use do enddo statement here to write the multiple records or process them via using nested loop.
loop at itab1
write records from itab1.
read table itab2 with key field1 = itab1-field1.
if sy-subrc = 0.
write ur records.
2009 Jun 09 9:59 AM
Hi ,
Suppose you want to select records from the SPFLI and SBOOK .To do that - -
1 ) In Join condition select the records from the booth table like - -
PARAMETERS : p_carrid TYPE spfli-carrid. " parameter that will be used in WHERE condition
DATA : BEGIN OF fs_itab,
mandt TYPE spfli-mandt,
carrid TYPE spfli-carrid,
connid TYPE spfli-connid,
countryfr TYPE spfli-countryfr,
customid TYPE sbook-customid,
END OF fs_itab,
t_itab LIKE TABLE OF fs_itab . " Table to hold the data
spfli~mandt " Fields from SPFLI
sbook~customid " Fields from SBOOK
FROM spfli INNER JOIN sbook " Inner join of the tables
ON spfli~carrid = sbook~carrid AND " Join condition according to ur requirement
spfli~connid = sbook~connid " Join condition
WHERE spfli~carrid = p_carrid . " Where condition
According to your requirement you can use the OUTER JOIN also.
OR ELSE FOLLOW the 2nd -
2) Create a view with the required fields of both the table .
Then use the view in the select .
2009 Sep 02 8:29 AM