2007 Mar 12 2:53 PM
Hello Everyone,
I am actually working on an object which is based on BDC.The object requires to validate data before saving it into a customized table.It is supposed to invoke the transaction automatically for uploading the data.In some cases, the user has to do it manually.How do I make a difference as to whether the update is manual or automatic? Please help.
2007 Mar 12 3:04 PM
If you are calling the transaction via a BDC. You could have a hidden input box. Which only the BDC will populate. This would tell you if the user was running the transaction or a BDC.
2007 Mar 12 3:04 PM
If you are calling the transaction via a BDC. You could have a hidden input box. Which only the BDC will populate. This would tell you if the user was running the transaction or a BDC.
2007 Mar 12 3:04 PM
In whatever way you enter data Manually or automatic data will be stored in that Table.
So first you will bring the Upload data into an internal table from flat fiel.
Here you have to check the data of internal table against the data of the Z atble entries. So write a select for that Ztable and compare with the entries of the internal table and delete the entries from the Internal table which were already entered manually.
In this way you can restrict the data redundancy and ensure the right data upload into table.
2007 Mar 12 6:17 PM
Sorry, i did not get you question. Are you using BDC to call particular transaction which update a custom table or you first update a Ztable and then call transaction?
If you want to check if the transaction is being called in batch input or not you can check the field <b>SY-BINPT</b>. If this field is 'X', it means that the transaction is being called in batch input.
Can you please explain what exactly you are trying to accomplish.
2007 Apr 13 1:50 AM