2009 Feb 27 11:43 AM
Hi All,
I have to debug a invoice form into the quality server but i don't have access to change in smartfrom
because of that i am not able to add break point to a perticular program line of the form.
is there any option to add external break point into the specifice program line of smartform.
2009 Feb 27 11:50 AM
Hi Narendra
Go to Trasactio smartforms and exevute that form you will get the funtionmodule
go inside that FM, search the string perform %global_init.
if you go inside that perform you will get the smart form details so you put break point at this perforom and execute the smartform...
hope it helps you.
2009 Feb 27 11:45 AM
when we execute smartform it generates a FM, put break point in that.
2009 Feb 27 11:46 AM
you can write /H in the command window and then execute the smart form.
but here it will not put a breakpoint butt will put whole of form under debugging.
or else you can debug generated function module.
Edited by: Mohit Kumar on Feb 27, 2009 12:46 PM
2009 Feb 27 11:48 AM
Smartform will generate a FM goto SE37 and debug the FM and Execute the smartform, u can see a function module /000012.Click on GOTO on the menu bar. Click on Main program. You can see the includes. click on the last include i.e F01. and keep the break-point(ShiftControl12) at ur desired
i can give 1 report RSNAST00 in this report line number 815 keep the break point the tcode or script or smartform there u can see the form name and driver program name...
Thank u,
2009 Feb 27 11:50 AM
Hi Narendra
Go to Trasactio smartforms and exevute that form you will get the funtionmodule
go inside that FM, search the string perform %global_init.
if you go inside that perform you will get the smart form details so you put break point at this perforom and execute the smartform...
hope it helps you.
2009 Feb 27 12:10 PM
There is method enter in debug mode but you are in a modal/pop-up window and cannot access the command to type /H.Didnt tried for forms may be you can chk
Here is what you need to dou2026.
In SAPGUI, click on the Generate shortcut.
In the window, in Application section, select "System command" as type, /h as command and give it any title you want. It will be saved as shortcut in your desktop.
to debug just drag this shortcut onto your popup window.
Hope this helps.