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How to deal with complex data types (mixed elements) in ABAP simple transformations

0 Kudos

Hi there,

I am working on an xml simple transformation logic, and I came across the following XML structure:


<CHILD_1> some text start <CHILD_2> content </CHILD_2> some text continued </CHILD_1>


Is it possible to deal with this situation in simple transformations in ABAP, and if yes, how? I would like to avoid XSLT usage...




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You are asking a solution where you "would like to avoid XSLT usage", what do you mean and why do you want to avoid it? What kind of solution are you currently using?

I guess you mean you are using Simple Transformation, and you want an answer about Simple Transformation only. No need to think about other technologies like the ABAP XML Libraries, XSLT, etc.

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I guess that Simple Transformation doesn't handle XML text nodes natively, you need to use workarounds.

For instance, with my test program below (only the important part is posted), I get the whole CHILD_1 content, exactly as it is = '<CHILD_1> some text start <CHILD_2> content </CHILD_2> some text continued </CHILD_1>', in XSTRING / UTF-8 encoding.

After that, you may parse the contents of CHILD_1 with the ABAP XML Library you want, e.g. SXML.

The use of the type XSDANY is a key part of the XML Libraries to work directly with XML content (you can find explanations in the official ABAP documentation):

      BEGIN OF ty_transfo_result,
          child_1 TYPE xsdany,
      END OF ty_transfo_result.
    transfo_name = create_transfo( concat_lines_of( sep = |\r\n| table = VALUE string_table(
              ( `<?sap.transform simple?>                               ` )
              ( `<tt:transform                                          ` )
              ( `xmlns:tt="">` )
              ( `  <tt:root name="PARENT"/>                             ` )
              ( `                                                       ` )
              ( `  <tt:template>                                        ` )
              ( `    <PARENT>                                           ` )
              ( `      <CHILD_1 tt:value-ref="PARENT.CHILD_1"/>         ` )
              ( `    </PARENT>                                          ` )
              ( `  </tt:template>                                       ` )
              ( `                                                       ` )
              ( `</tt:transform>                                        ` ) ) ) ).
    DATA(transfo_result) = VALUE ty_transfo_result( ).
    DATA(xml) ='<PARENT>'
            && '<CHILD_1> some text start <CHILD_2> content </CHILD_2> some text continued </CHILD_1>'
            && '</PARENT>'.
    CALL TRANSFORMATION (transfo_name)
        SOURCE XML xml
        RESULT parent = transfo_result.
        act = transfo_result
        exp = VALUE ty_transfo_result(
                child_1 = cl_abap_codepage=>convert_to(
                    `<CHILD_1> some text start <CHILD_2> content </CHILD_2> some text continued </CHILD_1>` ) ) ).