2021 May 11 10:28 AM
Hope you are doing well.
In order to restrict edit access to pricing related information in sales order, business requested to create a Z** transaction similar to VA02 by restricting the edit access for pricing related information.
Could you please help on how to proceed on this request.
2021 May 11 10:43 AM
Hi aya743
You might want to restrict access using authorization object V_KONH_VKS. Check if you can use it in your authorization roles rather than doing a custom development.
Best Regards
Sanil Bhandari
2021 May 11 10:53 AM
Whatever you do, don't copy the VA02 programs into the Z space. First consider if it can be done via roles or configuration. Or a combination.
If it can't then use user-exits. If there aren't any, modify the SAP program.
2021 May 11 1:33 PM
Please don't duplicate VA02 programs, that would be very very very BAD ! Don't ever think doing that. The reason has been discussed a lot in the forum these last years.
See Matthew comment.