2020 Feb 04 10:30 AM
Hi Experts,
we are planing to utilize the standard t-code - WLF_IDOC for Idoc monitoring in s/4 and we are facing some issue with email notification for error records, currently in standard transaction we have option but the issue is that we have to select the records on the screen and then send the email notification to the respective recipients.
I'm looking for automated option to trigger e-mail notification to set of recipients based on company code for error records and they can take action on priority, any option like by adding piece of code in BADI's related to this T-code WLF_IDOC(package - WLF_IDOC_PROCESSING ) to achive this functionality or any other feasible options.
Did anyone worked on this kind of solution, please help me by sharing your knowledge.
2020 Aug 24 4:41 PM
Hello Aravind,
We are facing the same issue - automated option to trigger e-mail notification from WLF_IDOC.
Could you please tell us how your issue was resolved ?
Many thanks.
2020 Sep 16 3:19 PM
We are facing the same issue too on ERP 6.0 EHP8...
Any suggestions how to solve it?
2021 May 02 4:08 PM
Same for us. Please thanks for the update or ideas.
Kind regards
2024 Feb 27 3:56 PM
We also need this function and try to find the best way to do it as WLF_IDOC permits to select and use threshold to send emails.
Please update if anyone have the solution.
Kind regards
2024 Feb 27 4:38 PM
You could schedule, SM36, some background jobs for WLF_IDOC / program RWLFIDOC_NEW using variants with some criteria for data record (field value in a segment) and provide a distibution list for e-mail notification. (But you will require a number of background job steps as only two segment fields are provided)
2024 Jun 25 8:22 AM
Finally we found out the solution. We have created a shared distribution list with SO23 transaction, then we used this list with SM36 and program of WLF_IDOC.
Kind regards
2024 Sep 11 7:18 PM
Glad you got the solution you needed.
I'm also looking to replicate your logic but I only want SAP to trigger an email to the recipients if an IDOC has failed in Status 51 or 52.
Does anyone know if this is possible please?
I have an variant setup In WLF_IDOC TCODE to detect errors 51 or 52 that can be linked to an SM36 job.
Our requirement is:
IF the report returns back any IDOC errors
Then send email.
Else do nothing
Run every 30 minutes throughout the day.