2022 Dec 09 11:03 AM
(1) Pass selection Company Code=BUKRS, Document Type[s1] =BLART=DZ[s2] and selection date period=BUDAT in BKPF and fetch all the document numbers[s3] = BELNR and Fiscal Year= GJAHR. Pass them to BELNR in BSEG with Company Code=BUKRS, selection Bank GL= HKONT, Fiscal Year = GJAHR and fetch the resulting document numbers= BELNR.
[s1]document type is a key that is used to classify accounting documents and distinguish between business transactions
[s2]Customer payment
[s3]every document is assigned a number that identifies it uniquely within a fiscal year and company code
2022 Dec 09 11:51 AM
Go in SE11 and se16 transactions, check the table content, the table key and how to make your SELECT statement