2007 Oct 11 11:56 AM
HI Guys,
How to check syntax errors in ABAP queries, Can please provide the T-Codes.
Advande thanks to everybody.
2007 Oct 11 11:57 AM
2007 Oct 11 11:59 AM
2007 Oct 11 12:09 PM
If your program doen't contain any error means, Its saying Information like "Your Program is Suntatically correct".
2007 Oct 11 12:14 PM
Can we check syntax errors in ABAP queries itself.
2007 Oct 11 12:16 PM
2007 Oct 11 12:19 PM
with these you can check syntax errors and performance points
these all are doing t he same thing that is checking the program for better performance
Tools for Performance Analysis
Run time analysis transaction SE30
SQL Trace transaction ST05
Extended Program Check (SLIN)
Code Inspector ( SCI)
Run time analysis transaction SE30 :This transaction gives all the analysis of an ABAP program with respect to the database and the non-database processing.
SQL Trace transaction ST05: The trace list has many lines that are not related to the SELECT statement in the ABAP program. This is because the execution of any ABAP program requires additional administrative SQL calls. To restrict the list output, use the filter introducing the trace list.
The trace list contains different SQL statements simultaneously related to the one SELECT statement in the ABAP program. This is because the R/3 Database Interface - a sophisticated component of the R/3 Application Server - maps every Open SQL statement to one or a series of physical database calls and brings it to execution. This mapping, crucial to R/3s performance, depends on the particular call and database system. For example, the SELECT-ENDSELECT loop on a particular database table of the ABAP program would be mapped to a sequence PREPARE-OPEN-FETCH of physical calls in an Oracle environment.
The WHERE clause in the trace list's SQL statement is different from the WHERE clause in the ABAP statement. This is because in an R/3 system, a client is a self-contained unit with separate master records and its own set of table data (in commercial, organizational, and technical terms). With ABAP, every Open SQL statement automatically executes within the correct client environment. For this reason, a condition with the actual client code is added to every WHERE clause if a client field is a component of the searched table.
To see a statement's execution plan, just position the cursor on the PREPARE statement and choose Explain SQL. A detailed explanation of the execution plan depends on the database system in use.
Extended Program Check
This can be called in through transaction SE38 or through transaction SLIN. This indicates possible problems that may cause performance problems.
Code Inspector (SCI)
You can call the Code Inspector from the ABAP Editor (SE38), the Function Builder (SE37), the Class Builder (SE24), or as a separate transaction (SCI).
The Code Inspector indicates possible problems. However, note that, especially with performance issues: There is no rule without exception. If a program passes an inspection, it does not necessarily mean that this program will have no performance problems.
reward if usefull
2007 Oct 11 12:16 PM
Hi Gourisankar,
Goto your coding, press CTRL + F3.
You will get a message in a dialog box , if there are errors.
Else , your program will get activated.
Reward if Useful.