2021 Sep 03 12:09 PM
I have the next code:
IF lt_sals_range-mt_range_table IS INITIAL.
As I want to check if lt_sals_range-mt_range_table[] IS INITIAL. But it gives me a sintax error because component mt_range_table is next type:
mt_range_table TYPE REF TO data
and I can't change it.
How I could check if this internal table that it gives have any entry?
2021 Sep 03 12:29 PM
Look how lt_sals_range-mt_range_table is used in other parts of the program. Or possible some examples. (You've not given any context here).
But essentially, you need a field-symbol of some kind and a dereference.
ASSIGN lt_sals_range-mt_range_Table->* TO field-symbol(<range_Table>).
IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL or range_table IS INITIAL.
" Do initial processing.
2021 Sep 03 12:29 PM
Look how lt_sals_range-mt_range_table is used in other parts of the program. Or possible some examples. (You've not given any context here).
But essentially, you need a field-symbol of some kind and a dereference.
ASSIGN lt_sals_range-mt_range_Table->* TO field-symbol(<range_Table>).
IF sy-subrc IS NOT INITIAL or range_table IS INITIAL.
" Do initial processing.
2021 Sep 03 12:40 PM