2006 Jan 13 12:58 PM
Hi All,
I need help regarding issue where i need to change the idoc status to ERROR(51),to reprocess it using program RBDMANI2(this program processes idocs only with status 51(Error)).
I am using function module EDI_DOCUMENT_CLOSE_EDIT to close the idoc after the changes are made to the "Idoc data". Inside this function module the status record table for Idoc "EDIDS" is filled.
So I need to change status record to "ERROR" to reprocess it using the program mentioned above.
Please help to solve this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
2006 Jan 13 1:01 PM
Put the following code in your ABAP
Update edidc set status = '51'
where docnum = doc_to_update.
<b>Thanks for the reward!</b>
2006 Jan 13 1:01 PM
Put the following code in your ABAP
Update edidc set status = '51'
where docnum = doc_to_update.
<b>Thanks for the reward!</b>
2006 Jan 13 1:08 PM
I thought the newer releases had a transaction to do this? In the past, I've used this program...
report zsu_idoc_status no standard page heading
message-id fb
line-size 120
line-count 90(0).
* Program Name : ZSU_IDOC_STATUS
* Create Date : 10/17/2001
* Application : FI
* Logical DB : None
* Description : Utility to add a status record to an existing
* inbound IDoc. Changes status to 68 (Error -
* no further processing).
* Inputs : None
* Functions : POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP - confirm step
* IDOC_STATUS_WRITE_TO_DATABASE - add status record
* Components :
* Modifications:
* Tables *
tables: edidc, " Control record (IDoc)
bhdgd. " Common data area batch heading routine
* Data Declarations *
data: w_abort(1) type c. " abort flag
* Internal Tables and Structures
* status records to add
data: begin of i_status occurs 1.
include structure bdidocstat.
data: end of i_status.
* Selection Screen Parameters
selection-screen skip 1.
selection-screen begin of block aa01 with frame title text-001.
p_docnum like edidc-docnum obligatory. " IDoc number
selection-screen skip 1.
p_text1 like bdidocstat-msgv1, " status text
p_text2 like bdidocstat-msgv2,
p_text3 like bdidocstat-msgv3,
p_text4 like bdidocstat-msgv4.
selection-screen skip 1.
p_status like bdidocstat-status default '68'. " status value
selection-screen end of block aa01.
* Constants
perform check_authorization.
perform close_status_field.
* Start of Selection
perform check_authorization. " verify authorization
perform get_idoc_info. " get IDoc control record
if not w_abort is initial. " exit if not found or outbound
message i000 with 'IDoc' p_docnum 'is invalid'.
perform add_status. " add status record
*& Form check_authorization
* Check authorization
form check_authorization.
* authorization check
* authority-check object 'ZIDOCSTAT'
* id 'ACTVT' field '01'.
* if sy-subrc <> 0.
* message e000(fb) with 'No authorization for IDoc *status update'.
* endif.
endform. " check_authorization
*& Form add_status
* Add status record to IDoc
form add_status.
data: l_answer(1) type c, " reply from popup
l_text1(50) type c, " text for popup
l_text2(50) type c. " text for popup
refresh i_status.
clear: i_status, l_text1, l_text2.
i_status-status = p_status.
i_status-msgty = 'E'.
i_status-msgid = 'FB'.
i_status-msgno = '000'.
i_status-msgv1 = p_text1.
i_status-msgv2 = p_text2.
i_status-msgv3 = p_text3.
i_status-msgv4 = p_text4.
append i_status.
concatenate 'IDoc' p_docnum 'has a status of' edidc-status '.'
into l_text1 separated by space.
concatenate 'Update IDoc type' edidc-idoctp '?'
into l_text2 separated by space.
call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP'
defaultoption = 'N'
textline1 = l_text1
textline2 = l_text2
titel = sy-title
answer = l_answer
others = 1.
if l_answer = 'J'. " (J)a = YES
idoc_number = p_docnum
idoc_status = i_status
idoc_foreign_lock = 1
idoc_not_found = 2
idoc_status_records_empty = 3
idoc_status_invalid = 4
db_error = 5
others = 6.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message i000 with '** ERROR UDPATING IDOC' p_docnum.
message i000 with 'IDoc' p_docnum 'update to status' p_status.
endform. " add_status
*& Form close_status_field
* Close the new status value field for input; display only
form close_status_field.
loop at screen.
if screen-name = 'P_STATUS'.
screen-input = '0'. " output only
modify screen.
endform. " close_status_field
*& Form get_idoc_info
* Get IDoc information from control record
form get_idoc_info.
clear edidc.
select single * from edidc " get control record
where docnum = p_docnum.
if sy-subrc <> 0 or " not found
edidc-direct <> '2'. " not inbound
w_abort = 'X'.
endform. " get_idoc_info