2023 Dec 19 9:13 AM
Hi all,
is there any possibility to cancel long running bgRFC units?
In some cases created units are remaining in status "Unit is being executed" without doing anything. Later on they are running into error status. This could be after 1 hour or later...
I know the method cl_trfc_client_inbound=>if_bgrfc_client~run_failed_unit to restart units in error status. But as long they are remain in status "Unit is being executed" it is not working. Therefore I need any possibity to cancel such units.
We are talking about transactional units (inbound).
2023 Dec 19 10:10 AM
2023 Dec 20 9:26 AM
Read also KBA 1616303 - No further processing of bgRFC units and 3252531 - Adjusting parameter rdisp/bgrfc_watchdog_time produces an Internal error (you can reduce frequence to 60 seconds)
2023 Dec 20 10:16 AM
Unlock is only working if the unit is already in error status. As long as it is in execution mode this is not possible. This is exactly the reason why I need a solution to stop the execution mode
Could you tell me more regarding parameter rdisp/bgrfc_watchdog_time?
What is this parameter doing in detail?
2023 Dec 20 10:39 AM
This parameter defines how often the bgRfc schedule monitor is run. By reducing it, the system will check more frequently that these tasks are being executed correctly (default is 5 mn you can reduce to 60 sec)
What have you already done to find the cause(s) of these long delays (with/without the bgRFC monitor)
2023 Dec 19 10:13 AM
Yes. I can use the transaction.
But also there I have no possibility to cancel a running unit. I can delete it only...
2023 Dec 20 9:58 AM
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