2018 Dec 25 2:36 PM
Hi All,
I have a requirement which I need to automate the process of background scheduling whenever file placed in AL11 for every 30 mins. If there is no file then background schedule shouldn't work.
So, Here I have developed a report and scheduled in Background for every 30 mins so here in SM37 displaying lot of jobs are in canceled status. how to avoid those..??
2018 Dec 25 3:33 PM
Do you want to make them appear in status "Finished" instead?
2018 Dec 25 3:44 PM
Hai Sandra,
Thanks for reply.......
If I schedule job for every 30 mins, then here up to 30 mins I'll get displayed lot jobs are in cancelled status so I want only existing file which are placed in AL11 should process and after that job should be stop. Again next time it should repeat as above process.
2018 Dec 25 9:08 PM
Sorry I was not clear enough. After 30 minutes, the job runs and after that you only have the choice of job status either "Finished" or "Cancelled". You said that you don't want "Cancelled". So you probably mean that you want your jobs always with status "Finished". Hence my initial question.
2018 Dec 26 12:51 AM
your question doesnt maske sense to me. you check new files in your program, run it as a job but you also want to stop that job running if there are no new files (stop here mean no log in SM37, if i understand your question correctly). you can exit program after check fail then the status will be finished, thats all.
2018 Dec 26 8:33 AM
Validate process, by comparing the data's from table TBTCO