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How to Add PR in Activity for Services in CJ20N ?

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Hi Experts,

I have created custom program to Create External activity inside Network through BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN.

And created PR with services from BAPI_PR_CREATE but how this PR will be assigned to Activity Screen in CJ20N. There is no linkage to add PR with Services Tick mark and also change the Res./ Pur. Req. to Immediately.

Thanks for prompt answer in advance,



Active Contributor
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Did you try to use BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_ADD, there specify the procurement type and to which activity the componen has to be added along with the network number. Use a correct procurement type to preventn reservation creation and insure purchase requisition creation (check domain TYPE_OF_PUR_RESV list of values)

0 Kudos

Hi Raymond,

I try to automate the Service Activity Creation in Network with Auto PR with Activities using custom program. Let me explain you what I did :

1. I created External Activity using BAPI_PROJECT_MAINTAIN.

2. Then I created PR with Service using BAPI_PR_CREATE.

3. Now I need to link PR with Services with Service Activity so that user will see Services Button with Services Exists Tick in Service Activity in CJ20N. This part is not working.

4. I can't see any services table in BAPI_NETWORK_COMP_ADD and Also I am not able to use BDC in CJ20N to create PR with Services in Service Activity?

Do you have linkedin id?

Please help.

Thanks in advance.


0 Kudos

Forget my answer, this BAPI is for network material component.

  • BAPI for network activities is BAPI_BUS2002_ACT_CREATE_MULTI (and BAPI_NETWORK_MAINTAIN, check the purchase related fields)