2017 Jul 06 9:21 AM
I have a requirement to display the tcode description along with tcode field(column) in the output (alv grid) of the report SM20.
The report already contain the tcode field (column) , so just want to add an additional column in the output to show the description of tcode along with the tcode.
TSTCT is the table and TTEXT is the field for tcode description.
How can i achieve this using enhancement .
I have searched and found that in the include rsau_class_auditlist_impl.
there is a method i.e METHOD write_list_about_auditlog.
in that method go_sal_rf->get_result_tab( EXPORTING id_reset = abap_false
CHANGING et_out_ext = mt_outtab_l ).
the itab is filled by this method (get_result_tab).
so according to me i have to the enhancement in this method .
please guide me how will i do the enhancement so that it will display 1 column in the output.