2011 Feb 01 5:10 AM
Hi all ,
I am creating a Custom development in which I want to create an external EAN.
The bapi's BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT and BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA are not allowing to create any EAN .
Can anyone suggest ?
2011 Feb 01 5:39 AM
2011 Feb 01 5:41 AM
If the material is RETAIL specific use the bapi BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT, otherwise use bapi BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA. In both cases, pass the EAN Number details along with the associated UoM details in the structures UNITSOFMEASURE & UNITSOFMEASUREX.
2024 Feb 06 1:14 PM
How can I change the main ean, if there is a new EAN, which should be the main ean?
Is there another bapi for this issue?