2024 Apr 23 11:02 AM
Good day!
I know this is an absolute beginner question, but I ca't find the right answer. I was playing around with some code and made a new table that has a new column based on two columns from an existing table. Now I want to take this new table and add another column to it based on two of its columns, one of them being a new column.
How do I best do this?
ChatGPT came up with some code but it's not working yet. So far i have this:
fields flight_date,
seats_max - seats_occupied as seats_available,
( CAST( seats_occupied as FLTP ) / CAST( seats_max as FLTP ) ) * CAST( 100 as FLTP ) as percentage_occupied
INTO TABLE @DATA(results).
"This is the part I'm stuck at and the part generated by CHATGPT.
<line>-percentage_available = ( <line>-seats_available / <line>-seats_max ) * 100 .
data = results
name = 'My_results' ).
The problem is that I thought (and ChatGPT too I guess) that <line>-percentage_available would make a new column, but in the error it says that that column is unknown (and so that it should already be existing). Then I also tried something else, i don't remember what, and the error said you can't do it with a table without header lines. So do I need to somehow add header lines then?
Thank you so much in advance!
2024 Apr 23 12:40 PM
Look again at the name given in the error message, and the names you have in the code... 😉
2024 Apr 23 1:42 PM
Ok I feel like I'm missing something here and I'm just being dense, but I genuinely don't see it😅. This is the specific error I get now (and i should have just copy pasted it here honestly):
The data object "<LINE>" does not have a component called "PERCENTAGE_AVAILABLE".
but I thought in my code it was making the 'percentage_available' component and adding things to that instead of looking for that component.
The seats_available name seems to be correct, as does seats_max, and the only name in the error is percentage_available which is (supposed to be) made at that moment. Honestly feels like I'm looking for a missing dot at this point and I'm sure once I see the mistake I'm gonna feel incredibly dumb, but I literally can't find it😅😂
2024 Apr 23 3:13 PM
2024 Apr 25 5:47 PM
Aah thank you! That's what I thought but then I figured it couldnt be the case because I thought that '<line>-percentage_available =' meant that you were adding a new column to the table called 'percentage_available'. So then it would make sense that until now it didn't exist. But if it doesn't do that, what does it actually do?
2024 Apr 25 6:09 PM
The code is just incorrect, so "it does nothing". Why do you think it should do something?
2024 Apr 25 6:34 PM - edited 2024 Nov 01 12:19 PM
@Romy_A_98 wrote:Aah thank you! That's what I thought but then I figured it couldnt be the case because I thought that '<line>-percentage_available =' meant that you were adding a new column to the table called 'percentage_available'. So then it would make sense that until now it didn't exist. But if it doesn't do that, what does it actually do?
For the future tasks try ChatGPT 4 + Code Interpreter