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How do you debug deep structures using the "New Debugger"

Former Member

I created an internal table that is referencing an SAP structure and a custom field as shown below.

begin of t_explosion,

bapiexpl type bapiexplosionlist,

parent_mat type bapiexplosionlist-material,

end of t_explosion .

When debugging the program I cannot see all the data in the field bapiexpl without exploding down each row. When I switched to the old debugger I can see all the data without drilling down. is there a setting that I need to do in the new debugger or maybe this functionality doesn't exist.

Any help is much appreciated, as I am training others on the "New Debugger" and I would like to tell them if this functionality exists.


Active Contributor

Hi Lavella,

once in the new debugger if you request application help you will get the complete online documentation for the new debugger.

There have been several sessions over the past few years at Sapphire and TechEd on the features of the new debugger so if you have access to any of the content for these sessions you will find some details there. Also much of the old SAP TechEd content will be available on SDN in the not too distant future. There are also some SDN blogs and there is information in the SDN Wiki as well.

For your specific question, I suspect you have not yet found the Table Display tool. If you can find the "New Tool" button and then select the "Table" option under the "Data Objects" area you will enable this tool.


Graham Robbo

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I've encountered the same problem. The problem is that (in the example cited), BAPIEXPLOSIONLIST has included types. In the new debugger, these are not expanded out. You can't see the field values, without, as the poster says, looking at each individual row. If I recall correctly, downloading the table to a flat file doesn't work either with internal tables like this.

They're not actually deep structures - they don't have nested tables. To check it out, create a table like this, give it some data and look at it in the debugger.

TYPES: BEGIN OF line_ty,
         BEGIN OF first_bit,
           field1 TYPE c,
           field2 TYPE i,
         END OF first_bit,
         BEGIN OF second_bit,
           field1 TYPE c,
           field2 TYPE i,
         END OF second_bit,
      END OF line_ty.

DATA:  t_mytab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF line_ty.

The only solution I've found is to switch back to the classic debugger.



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While displaying the internal table in the new debugger simply click on the button "Columns" and choose the function "column configuration". This way you will enter the column configuration editor. Here you can choose the function "insert subcomponents" for each column which has included types and then you can choose which subcomponents you want to see. If you choose all of them, you'll get the display you want.

The column configuration editor is quite powerful as you can do things like "expand all fields from first_bit, but expand only field1 from second_bit", etc.

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Thanks Adrian - I never knew that!

Former Member
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I don't see that option in my version of the New Debugger. The only items I see udner colume configuration are:

edit order of Colums

Original Column Order

Column with Optimized

Do not optimize.

Even when I select each one I don't see what you are referencing. I think I am stuck going back to the Classic editor for this.

We are on this release. SAP ERP Central Component, Release 6.0, SR1, incl. SP08, April 2007

SAP NetWeaver® 7.0 SP Stack 12 including BI Content Add-On 3 SP 04, May 2007

Thanks for your fast replies.

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> We are on this release. SAP ERP Central Component, Release 6.0, SR1, incl. SP08, April 2007

> SAP NetWeaver® 7.0 SP Stack 12 including BI Content Add-On 3 SP 04, May 2007

In that release the function which I have described is not yet available. Thus you will have to use the old debugger until you upgrade your system to a release which has the described functionality of the new debugger.