2023 May 05 7:31 AM
Hi folks,
i have a question to create syntax
for example
types: begin of ty_data,
matnr type matnr,
end of ty_data.
Data: t_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_data WITH HEADER LINE.
*is there anoter way to create
*into this form
*? Thankyou
2023 May 05 8:23 AM
You could use
DATA: t_data TYPE TABLE OF matnr. " WITH HEADER LINE is obsolete
2023 May 09 10:19 AM
Hi jalskyyy,
you can do this in different ways, for example: ASSIGN COMPONENT ...OF STRUCTURE.
You can find more details on this topic:
2023 May 09 12:35 PM
I don't understand the question because t_data['MATNR'] is syntactically invalid.