2023 Jan 03 3:48 PM
Hallo folks, how do i get the index of data from sorted itab (initial_data) without using read and loop with condition number = 6?
TYPES: BEGIN OF initial_type,
group TYPE group,
number TYPE i,
description TYPE string,
END OF initial_type,
itab_data_type TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF initial_type WITH EMPTY KEY.
DATA: initial_data TYPE itab_data_type.
initial_data = VALUE itab_data_type(
( group = 'A' number = 10 description = 'Group A-2' )
( group = 'B' number = 5 description = 'Group B' )
( group = 'A' number = 6 description = 'Group A-1' )
( group = 'C' number = 22 description = 'Group C-1' )
( group = 'A' number = 13 description = 'Group A-3' )
( group = 'C' number = 500 description = 'Group C-2' )
( group = 'A' number = 19 description = 'Group A-4' )
SORT initial_data BY group ASCENDING number DESCENDING.
cl_demo_output=>display_data( initial_data[] ).
Thanks ini advance,
2023 Jan 03 3:50 PM
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2023 Jan 03 4:00 PM
Not sure how it's related to the manual "sort" you did, but without any sort consideration, I guess the below code must be the answer you are looking for:
data(index) = line_index( initial_data[ number = 6 ] ).