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How can we extend SOAP service JournalEntryCreateRequestConfirmation_In without using CF&L app?

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We are trying to add some fields to the Item structure (JournalEntryCreateRequestJournalEntryItem) used by the standard SOAP service provider JournalEntryCreateRequestConfirmation_In. We don't want to create these fields using the Custom Fields & Logic Fiori app, because the values are needed to populate standard fields that aren't (yet) exposed in the Service Definition or BAPI interfaces, so we don't want unnecessary ZZ fields created on the underlying database tables.

We have created an enhancement on JournalEntryCreateRequestJournalEntryItem in the Proxy Editor (using the Create Enhancement button) and added elements to it. This has successfully resulted in fields being appended to the ABAP structure (FINS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_CREATE_REQ6) and available on the WSDL. We have also added these same fields in an append to the ACCBAPI_S4EXT_DATA structure which is used to collect all the extension fields before converting them to the BAPI extension structures.

The problem occurs in method CL_FINS_JE_CREATION_REQ_HDLR->MAPPING_EXT_FIELDS, where we would expect the fields from the extended Item structure (FINS_JOURNAL_ENTRY_CREATE_REQ6) to be mapped to the fields in the ACCBAPI_S4EXT_DATA structure. Table CFD_L_RT_SO_FLDS is checked, and only those fields with entries on this table (e.g. the fields created via the Custom Fields & Logic app) are copied into ACCBAPI_S4EXT_DATA.

Is there a step that we've missed for getting the elements from our manual enhancement into this table? If not, and extending JournalEntryCreateRequestJournalEntryItem only works if done via the Custom Fields & Logic app, what's the point of allowing developers to manually create enhancements within the Proxy Editor if they then can't get access to their elements' values at runtime?

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,



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Hi Andrew,

Thanks for asking this question as i have also recently worked on same kind of scenario with sales order SOAP APIs. I also didn't want to add new fields but there is no other proper provision to add custom fields so i have added them with CF&L app. if we add fields via proxy editor enhancement, we need to use some kind of enhancement to fill standard fields from custom ones which i am still exploring in my case. As of now my main problem is different where I am stuck at adding table type kind of element in WSDL with CF&L app. Do you think its possible using CF&L app for this or choose proxy editor?
Note: This is not your answer but a question 🙂 as you are working on this.

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Hi Pankaj,

I'm afraid I haven't had the requirement to add a table to a web service, so I don't know how it can be done. Thank you for confirming my suspicion about about needing to use the CF&L app if you don't want to use implicit enhancement techniques.

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we have a similar requirement, which is that we need to update the CD amount using  Journal Entry - Change (Asynchronous), but that field is not available in the payload. I am not sure why SAP didn't provide that field in standard APIs, but I am exploring how to extend this API and update the standard field(CD amount) using custom enhancement. Any insight/help is appreciated on how to achieve that.