2007 Nov 23 6:21 AM
I would like to do some changes in Print program. I m going to change Prog.RFFOUS_C , I have to do changes in Check amount field ®UD-SWNET& . Please kindly help me on this,How to proceed.
thans in advance
2007 Nov 23 6:23 AM
That is a standard program.. so you can not change that. Only way is to get Access key from client. Mostly people will go for copying the program into a z-program and make changes. in NACE they will keep the z-program as print program insteda of original program...
This is the best option. But with client confirmation...
2007 Nov 23 6:25 AM
I have changed as Z-Prog.thats not a pb. How caw I find the plc whr to write a code.I should use elements for this task.
2007 Nov 23 6:45 AM
Dear Jaya,
Enter tcode SE16 and open the table TNAPR ,
enter the program name into the field PGNAM ,
check the RONAM field.
This is the entry procedure in that program .
Enter tcode SE38 and open the program ,
find the corresponding procedure and put a break point there .
And then you can process the document to produce output,
the program should break at the break point that you set .
From there you can learn the program flow and find out the place to insert your code.
Hope that helps.
2007 Nov 23 6:24 AM
Copy the program into a z-program and make changes. in NACE give the z-program as print program .
reward if helpful.