2023 Mar 13 11:36 AM
I was creating a layout for a request spool with alv grid using fm 'REUSE_ALV_GRID_DISPLAY'.
The output is like that, just added an empty row every time the MATNR changes as separator from each other.
Now, instead of this empty row, it is possible to add horizontal line as separator in this kind of grid layout?
2023 Mar 13 4:13 PM
AFAIK no (*)
But you could replace class CL_SALV_TABLE with CL_SALV_HIERSEQ_TABLE or similar class.
(*) Actually you could (example for cl_gui_alv_grid) replace the character field values in a subtotal line with dots or underscore characters handling event after_refresh, reading and changing subtotals with method get_subtotals and force a re-display of ALV with method refresh_table_display, preventing an infinite loop of course with some flag.
2023 Mar 14 8:55 AM
Hi raymond.giuseppi,
does it will works even if some of my fields are numeric?