2010 Aug 23 9:53 PM
Hello Experts,
I am using many screens & subscreens in my application. In a tabstrip control, I am calling one subscreen which has Custom Control to display the text editor.
When I change the tab say for ex from TAB1 to TAB2, the custom control with text editor remains at the same place. In TAB2 I dont want custom control of TAB1.
Thank you to go through my query.
Edited by: Rob Burbank on Aug 23, 2010 5:12 PM
2010 Aug 23 10:30 PM
Hello bh_hir,
it is not possible to dynamically hide a "custom container"-area from a dynpro. I've recently had a similiar problem and the only solution was to add an additional layer of subscreens to switch between an empty subscreen and the subscreen containing the custom container.
2010 Aug 23 10:45 PM
Hello Alej,
I have created one subscreen which i need in a tabstrip control. Now this subscreen has one Editor Control (CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT->TEXT_EDITOR) which I put on Custom Control. Custom Control is placed in the subscreen with SE51.
to put the editor control of CL_GUI_TEXTEDIT, I need Custom Control on screen. And I didnt find any property using which we can hide custom control.
Is there any way using classes or methods, can we put Editor Control without using the custom control of screen.
I think in your prob, you had ALV, that we can put on another subscreen, but in my prob how can we remove custom control Please Explain.
Thanks & Regards,
2010 Aug 23 10:54 PM
Hello bh_hir,
A custom container is carved into your screen. It would be possible to use the method FREE of both the control (textedit) and the container (IIRC the control needs to be freed first). The textedit would disappear, but then you would have a gap in your screen like in my case.
Is there any way using classes or methods, can we put Editor Control without using the custom control of screen.
You could try to use class CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER to add an "anonymous" container to the border (top, bottom, left, right) of your screen, but I'm afraid that this would be "outside" of your TabStrip control...
2010 Aug 24 1:46 PM
Hello Alej,
You are right, using CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER its not possible to link it with tabstrip control. It entirely changes the layouts. so Its not possible to use this. You said you have created a blank subscreen and that you were calling, but in my logic m not able to put that also.
on Tab1, the custom control is there while I go from tab1 to tab2 I tried calling empty subscreen, and then TAB2 subscreen, but somehow its going wrong. can you plz provide code for that.
Please help.
Thanks in Advance.
2010 Sep 08 4:27 PM
I have solved it by checking the initial values of the custom control & editor control between the tab changes. And it works great now.
Thanks for your help.