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hi reg function modules

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i am working in RFC enabled function modules. i m new to this. can any one help me what is export parameters? where it ll be used.

in tables parameters how to find that is import or export parameters?

plz explain about function modules


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Function Modules;

Check this matter.

Function Modules are Glopbal ABAP programs created by SAP for reusable purpose.they have IMPORT,EXPORT and TABLE parameters, and EXCEPTIONS to through when error occurs.

You can create them from TCode SE37.

Go through the following doc:

Function modules are cross-program, reusable procedures that are organized into function groups, and whose functions are implemented between the statements FUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION. Function modules and their interfaces are created in the Function Builder.

Function Module Interfaces

The parameter interface of a function module is defined in the Function Builder. It includes the definition of interface parameters and the specification of exceptions that can be triggered by a function module. The Function Builder automatically generates comment lines below the FUNCTION statement in the source code of the function module, which represent the interface of the function module with the following syntax:


... [IMPORTING parameters]

[EXPORTING parameters]

[CHANGING parameters]

[TABLES table_parameters]

[{RAISING|EXCEPTIONS} exc1 exc2 ...]

The syntax and semantics of IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING, RAISING, and EXCEPTIONS mainly correspond to the definition of method interfaces with [CLASS-]METHODS. The additional option of defining table parameters using TABLES is obsolete.

Interface parameters

The interface parameters are defined on the relevant tab pages in the Function Builder.

IMPORTING parameters are input parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input parameter. The content of the actual parameter is passed to the input parameter when the call is made. The content of an input parameter for which 'pass by reference' is defined cannot be changed in the function module.

EXPORTING parameters are output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter can be specified for every output parameter. The content of an output parameter that is defined for 'pass by value' is transferred to the actual parameter if the function module is completed without errors. An output parameter that is defined for pass by reference is not initialized when the function module is called.

CHANGING parameters are input and output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input or output parameter. When the function module is called, the content of the actual parameter is passed to the input/output parameter, and when the function module is completed, the content of the input/output parameter is passed to the actual parameter.

TABLES parameters are table parameters. Table parameters are obsolete CHANGING parameters that are typed as standard tables with a header line. If an internal table without a header line or a table body is passed as an actual parameter to a formal parameter of this type, an empty local header line is generated in the function module. If an internal table with a header line is used as an actual parameter, both the table body and the header line are passed to the function module. Pass by value is not possible in formal parameters defined using TABLES. Formal parameters defined with TABLES can be replaced by formal parameters defined with CHANGING. A local work area can be created for the internal table in the function module by using the addition LIKE LINE OF itab of the DATA statement.


The exception of a function module are defined on the Exceptions tab page in the Function Builder. Here you can select exception classes to define whether class-based exceptions are declared or non-class-based exception are defined. Class-based exceptions are represented in the above syntax by RAISING, and non-class-based exceptions are represented by EXCEPTIONS.

The addition RAISING is used to declare class-based exceptions that can be propagated from the function module to the caller. Exceptions in the categories CX_STATIC_CHECK and CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK must be explicitly declared, otherwise a propagation can lead to an interface violation. A violation of the interface leads to the treatable exception CX_SY_NO_HANDLER. Exceptions of the category CX_NO_CHECK are implicitly always declared. The declaration of exceptions of the category CX_STATIC_CHECK is statically checked in the syntax check. For exceptions of the category CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK, the check is not performed until runtime. In a function module in which class-based exceptions are declared with the RAISING addition, the statement CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS cannot be used. Instead, the relevant treatable exceptions should be handled in a TRY control structure.

The addition EXCEPTIONS is used to define a list of non-class-based exceptions that can be triggered in the function module using the statements RAISE or MESSAGE RAISING. Exceptions defined in this way - as with formal parameters - are bound to the function module and cannot be propagated. If an exception of this type is triggered in a function module, and no return value has been assigned to it with the homonymous addition EXCEPTIONS of the CALL FUNCTION statement when the call was made, this leads to a runtime error.


For new developments after release 6.10, SAP recommends that you work with class-based exceptions that are independent of the function module.

RFC is a technology which is used to access a functions (Modules) from

the remote systems.

If a function module is set as remote enabled which can be access from

the remote system via RFC.Eg: U can access the Remote enabled function modules in ur VB,Webdynpro,Java,Visual composer program.

A function module can be set as remote enabled by SE37->Go to ur FM->click the option Button "remote enabled".

But Normal function modules can not accessd from the remote system.

Good Example for RFC enabled function module is : BAPI(Business Application Programming Interface)

Note: All BAPIs are Remote enabled but not all remote enabled function modules are BAPI.


1)In U ABAP Editor --> Click "Patter" ---> Selection Option Button "Call Function"

--> Write the Corresponding FM name --> Hit Enter

2)The appropriate import ,export Parameters will be displayed in ur editor

3)Pass the Values Here.

Also check these links.

Check this link:

Reward all helpful answers,



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RFC (Remote Function Call) is similar to the general SAP fun module: except that in the attributes you click the radio button: RFC enabled;

and you will be passing an Import parameter DESTINATION to it.

Other code and usage will be similar to any fun module;

Have a look at any fun module in SE37 to understand better about the different components of Fun modules;

Refer this link:

check out the following link it might help you


Function Modules;

Check this matter.

Function Modules are Global ABAP programs created by SAP for reusable purpose.they have IMPORT,EXPORT and TABLE parameters, and EXCEPTIONS to through when error occurs.

You can create them from TCode SE37.

Go through the following doc:

Function modules are cross-program, reusable procedures that are organized into function groups, and whose functions are implemented between the statements FUNCTION and ENDFUNCTION. Function modules and their interfaces are created in the Function Builder.

Function Module Interfaces

The parameter interface of a function module is defined in the Function Builder. It includes the definition of interface parameters and the specification of exceptions that can be triggered by a function module. The Function Builder automatically generates comment lines below the FUNCTION statement in the source code of the function module, which represent the interface of the function module with the following syntax:


... [IMPORTING parameters]

[EXPORTING parameters]

[CHANGING parameters]

[TABLES table_parameters]

[{RAISING|EXCEPTIONS} exc1 exc2 ...]

The syntax and semantics of IMPORTING, EXPORTING, CHANGING, RAISING, and EXCEPTIONS mainly correspond to the definition of method interfaces with [CLASS-]METHODS. The additional option of defining table parameters using TABLES is obsolete.

Interface parameters

The interface parameters are defined on the relevant tab pages in the Function Builder.

IMPORTING parameters are input parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input parameter. The content of the actual parameter is passed to the input parameter when the call is made. The content of an input parameter for which 'pass by reference' is defined cannot be changed in the function module.

EXPORTING parameters are output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter can be specified for every output parameter. The content of an output parameter that is defined for 'pass by value' is transferred to the actual parameter if the function module is completed without errors. An output parameter that is defined for pass by reference is not initialized when the function module is called.

CHANGING parameters are input and output parameters. When the function module is called, a suitable actual parameter must be specified for every non-optional input or output parameter. When the function module is called, the content of the actual parameter is passed to the input/output parameter, and when the function module is completed, the content of the input/output parameter is passed to the actual parameter.

TABLES parameters are table parameters. Table parameters are obsolete CHANGING parameters that are typed as standard tables with a header line. If an internal table without a header line or a table body is passed as an actual parameter to a formal parameter of this type, an empty local header line is generated in the function module. If an internal table with a header line is used as an actual parameter, both the table body and the header line are passed to the function module. Pass by value is not possible in formal parameters defined using TABLES. Formal parameters defined with TABLES can be replaced by formal parameters defined with CHANGING. A local work area can be created for the internal table in the function module by using the addition LIKE LINE OF itab of the DATA statement.


The exception of a function module are defined on the Exceptions tab page in the Function Builder. Here you can select exception classes to define whether class-based exceptions are declared or non-class-based exception are defined. Class-based exceptions are represented in the above syntax by RAISING, and non-class-based exceptions are represented by EXCEPTIONS.

The addition RAISING is used to declare class-based exceptions that can be propagated from the function module to the caller. Exceptions in the categories CX_STATIC_CHECK and CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK must be explicitly declared, otherwise a propagation can lead to an interface violation. A violation of the interface leads to the treatable exception CX_SY_NO_HANDLER. Exceptions of the category CX_NO_CHECK are implicitly always declared. The declaration of exceptions of the category CX_STATIC_CHECK is statically checked in the syntax check. For exceptions of the category CX_DYNAMIC_CHECK, the check is not performed until runtime. In a function module in which class-based exceptions are declared with the RAISING addition, the statement CATCH SYSTEM-EXCEPTIONS cannot be used. Instead, the relevant treatable exceptions should be handled in a TRY control structure.

The addition EXCEPTIONS is used to define a list of non-class-based exceptions that can be triggered in the function module using the statements RAISE or MESSAGE RAISING. Exceptions defined in this way - as with formal parameters - are bound to the function module and cannot be propagated. If an exception of this type is triggered in a function module, and no return value has been assigned to it with the homonymous addition EXCEPTIONS of the CALL FUNCTION statement when the call was made, this leads to a runtime error.


For new developments after release 6.10, SAP recommends that you work with class-based exceptions that are independent of the function module.

RFC is a technology which is used to access a functions (Modules) from

the remote systems.

If a function module is set as remote enabled which can be access from

the remote system via RFC.Eg: U can access the Remote enabled function modules in ur VB,Webdynpro,Java,Visual composer program.

A function module can be set as remote enabled by SE37->Go to ur FM->click the option Button "remote enabled".

But Normal function modules can not accessd from the remote system.

Good Example for RFC enabled function module is : BAPI(Business Application Programming Interface)

Note: All BAPIs are Remote enabled but not all remote enabled function modules are BAPI.


1)In U ABAP Editor --> Click "Patter" ---> Selection Option Button "Call Function"

--> Write the Corresponding FM name --> Hit Enter

2)The appropriate import ,export Parameters will be displayed in ur editor

3)Pass the Values Here.

Also check these links.

Check this link:

Check this link:

See the following links:

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Remote Enabled Function Modules are similar to normal FM's that only difference is that they can be accessed from Remote systems.

<b>Reward points</b>


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Kiran Sure(skk)

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Remote Function Call

Call of a function module that runs in a different system (destination) as the calling program. Possibilities include connections between different SAP systems or connections between an SAP and an external system. Specially programmed functions, whose interface simulates a function module, are called in external systems instead of function modules. There are synchronous, asynchronous, and transactional function calls. The system is called up using the RFC interface.

<b>Overview </b>

RFC interface

RFC destination

RFC context

RFC exceptions

RFC restrictions


TYPES: BEGIN OF task_type,

name TYPE string,

dest TYPE string,

END OF task_type.

DATA: snd_jobs TYPE i,

rcv_jobs TYPE i,

exc_flag TYPE i,

info TYPE rfcsi,

mess TYPE c LENGTH 80,

indx TYPE c LENGTH 4,

name TYPE c LENGTH 8,

task_list TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF task_type,

task_wa TYPE task_type.


indx = sy-index.

CONCATENATE 'Task' indx INTO name.






system_failure = 1 MESSAGE mess

communication_failure = 2 MESSAGE mess

resource_failure = 3.

CASE sy-subrc.


snd_jobs = snd_jobs + 1.

WHEN 1 OR 2.



IF snd_jobs >= 1 AND

exc_flag = 0.

exc_flag = 1.

WAIT UNTIL rcv_jobs > = snd_jobs



IF sy-subrc = 0.

exc_flag = 0.


MESSAGE 'Resource failure' TYPE 'I'.



MESSAGE 'Other error' TYPE 'I'.



WAIT UNTIL rcv_jobs >= snd_jobs.

LOOP AT task_list INTO task_wa.

WRITE: / task_wa-name, task_wa-dest.


FORM rfc_info USING name.

task_wa-name = name.

rcv_jobs = rcv_jobs + 1.



rfcsi_export = info


system_failure = 1 MESSAGE mess

communication_failure = 2 MESSAGE mess.

IF sy-subrc = 0.

task_wa-dest = info-rfcdest.


task_wa-dest = mess.


APPEND task_wa TO task_list.




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in function module , hw to use table parameters in sourcce code page,,,,,