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i dont have BDC s FAQs plsss send it once i wil be thanxful for u. i am new to this site and also ABAP i have lots of douts i wil calrify one by one.


take care


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Use the search option in the forum before you post any questions .this can be helpful as you need not wait for answers. Do a little research before posting.

Also its always good to group your questions by category and post them at once, rather than posting one post per question.

Forum search is a good tool make use of it.



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Friend thanx for ur answer,

i am new to this community na thats y i dont know how to use this.

i wil follow ur answer ,




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Hi Uttam,

Welcome to SDN....

Check this thread of Craig about "Rules of Engagement".

He explained clearly about how to post a question, how to reward points to the people who helped you and how to find a answer.



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Hi Uttam

Actually this community will helps you alot to develop your self professionally. In every aspect. When ever if you feel any uncomfortable in solving your problem here our experts will be there they will try their level best to solve your problem, So try to use more as u want this community for your growth

and more thing if u find any reply in favour of your problem solution then reward them points accordingly

On the left side pannel or strip you can see the numbers

10<--if it solved ur problem

6<-- if it is very helpfull

4<-- if it is helpfull

2<-- helpfull

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A Grand welcome to our community

What is the function key values of BDC_OKCODE ie '/00' what this is for?

How will we handle the errors in call transaction method?

'/00' is generally the BDC_OKCODE for the ENTER key.

You don't need to know the list of the BDC_OKCODE s.

You go to the transaction SHDB.

You can execute any transaction here.

Then you can replay the execution of the trasaction afterwards.

Select 'display all screens' mode.

BDC_OKCODEs for each one functions you use is displayed on the screen.

Now, regarding the error handling in call transaction.

The BDCMSGCOLL does not have the messages text. It has only the message type, number and message parameters.

You have to read the message text. (recall that the database table T100 stores all the messages.)

There are more than one method of doing this.

Following is the psuedocode for one of the methods.

LOOP for the internal table IT1 which has data value from flat file.

call transcation using....

if SY-SUBRC <> 0.

Read the dictionary table T100 FOR ALL ENTRIES in BDCMSGCOLL.

(also use the condition T100-SPRAS = SY-LANGU (the log on language. This is because you need only the message texts in English if the user is logged in English language)

IF message type is E , then, transfer the contents of this particular error record to file x. (TRANSFER......)

( Ignore all other messages. Only consider type 'E' messages. Ignore other types of messages.)

(You can also store the message text from T100 and the error record in another internal table IT2)




Please note that the client might ask you for a file of records which could not be uploaded.

Give him the file created in the above psuedocode. (most often you will have to do this).

Otherwise just display the error messages and the error records in the internal table IT2 in the form of a list.

Thats it.


Instead of

" Read the dictionary table T100 FOR ALL ENTRIES in BDCMSGCOLL."

you can use the function module

WRITE_MESSAGES to read the messages.

Please refer to the function module for the list of parameters.

Also refer FORMAT_MESSAGES function module.

As, I said, there are more than one method of doing this.

1) How to handle error in bdc call transaction method...without using structure BDCMSGCOLL.

Use Std Function module 'FORMAT_MESSAGE'

2) How to load images from application server in bdc

Solution: I don't think so.

3) How to insert data in table control through bdc ....problem is every system displays different no of rows in the table control when you enter the application....for ex .. purchase order, pur req, bom....

Solution: Use CALL TRANSACTION 'ME21N' OPTIONS FROM w_ctu_params.( type CTU_PARAMS)

This structure contains the follwing.

DISMODE : Display mode (like the MODE addition)

UPDMODE: Update mode (like the UPDATE addition)

CATTMODE: CATT mode (controls a CATT)

CATT mode can have the following values:

' ' No CATT active

'N' CATT without single-screen control

'A' CATT with single-screen control

DEFSIZE : Use default window size (Here we are handling those transaction by giving default window size)

RACOMMIT: Do not end transaction at COMMIT WORK

NOBINPT : No batch input mode (that is, SY-BINPT = SPACE)

NOBIEND : No batch input mode after the end of BDC data.

The components DEFSIZE , RACOMMIT, NOBINPT, and NOBIEND always take the following values:

'X' Yes

4) Can you give me one example where we should use only bdc call transaction method:

Solution: With CALL TRANSACTION USING, the system processes the data more quickly than with batch input sessions. Unlike batch input sessions, CALL TRANSACTION USING does not automatically support interactive correction or logging functions

5) In the reports when you press f4 to get list is it possible to pass default value in that value...i.e suppose i have created select option on company code when the user press f4 automatically he should get the default value.

Solution: Ya, It is possible.


P_BUKRS-LOW = ‘2000’.

With Compliment by: Venkat .O.

I want to learn BDC should I go about it so that I make it my strong area......please help.

BDC is Batch Data Communication where data is transferred from legacy system to SAP system. Different methods of BDC are

1. Call Transaction Method.

2. Session Method

3. Direct Input method.

In all the above methods you have to prepare a flat file containing the data in the required format to be uploaded to the SAP system. You need to call the function ' UPLOAD' to do this. Then the contents of the flat file have to copied to your internal table and then u need to call the transaction through which you want to update the database. You internal table should also have the information relating to the structure BDCDATA which is having the details like the module pool program name, screen no. The basic concept of updating the database is same in all the 3 methods but only the method differs.

In session method after the data transfer program is coded, in order to process that particular session you have to go to TC: SM 35 to process the session.

Direct input method have some standard programs that have to executed.....

Well, to be strong you got to try it out.......and check if it works!!!

Q: Our ABAP program is working properly in Foreground. Can I schedule it for background processing on the weekend?

A: SAP standard program RSBDCSUB helps you to schedule the job. Create a variant for RSBDCSUB with the BDC session name.

Q: How can we send a mail to the user intimating him that his report/BDC is completed in background?


If UNIX is being used, you may send a report to any internet mail with the following:


DATA: COMND (200) type c.

DATA: RESULT (200) type c occurs 100 with header line.

PARAMETERS: FILE (60) type c lower case default '/sapdata/sd_outbound/testmail.dat'.

PARAMETERS: SUBJECT (60) type c lower case.

PARAMETERS: EMAIL (60) type c lower case.





CONCATENATE 'cat' FILE '| elm -s "' subject '"' email into comnd seperated by space.


Loop at Results.

write: /1 results.



<u><b>Interview Question on BDC</b></u>

What is BDC- its use, and how to use it?

It is Batch Data conversion used for transferring some data other than sap into sap ... this is also a work of an ABAPer.

What is "UTS" Or may be it is "UST", something called Unit test?

Use: After developing any object we should write a test case proving that the object is working properly or not. This is done by the ABAPer. This is UNIT TEST CASE.

In BDC how can we handle Table Controls?

When you do your recording you will have a tab for Next line or Insert. You have to capture that in your recording. If your transaction code doesn't have that in the recording then you have to set up a page down (=P+) and loop it based on the line entries u c on teh screen.

Suppose we are transfer data through BDC from leagacy to SAP and their is some duplicate data in legacy system but we don't want this in SAP system .So how can we check that this data is already exist?

In BDC you would have all your legacy data in an internal table. Use Delete Adjacent dulpicates syntax to delete duplicate entries.

Can we use two transaction code in one BDC like XK01 & XD01 if yes how?

Yes, we can do that by combining the two bdc program codes together. Then you perform the program routine accordingly. However, it will make your BDC program very long and complex.

How can we handle errors in Function Module?

Exceptions is used to handle errors.

Can we use Session method & Call transaction both in one BDC if yes please give me example and scenerio where we use this?

You start your dataload using Call Transaction and if any errors occur push all those errors in a session so that your dataload takes place uninterrupted and you can processs ur errors later.

Check these links

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thank you very much

and also i want to know how to use this i mean how to utilize this community

plzz reply

i am new to this

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Hi Uttam,

Go Thru this link... u'll et a lotta ABAP Questions & Answers too...


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