2008 Jun 11 9:23 AM
hi all
i would like to know how use CTU_PARAMS structure inorder to handle screen resolutions in bdc in detail please.
my problem is of screen solution while running at diff loction.
is there any other way
thanx in adv
2008 Jun 11 9:28 AM
data : opt like CTU_PARAMS .
opt-DEFSIZE = 'X'.
call transaction xxx using bdcdata
options from opt.
2008 Jun 11 9:28 AM
data : opt like CTU_PARAMS .
opt-DEFSIZE = 'X'.
call transaction xxx using bdcdata
options from opt.
2008 Jun 11 10:06 AM
Generally CTU_PARAMS Is used to avoid unnecessary screens,even though they will not appear in the recording.i also send a sample code for that to avoid this problem check it once ok..
we have to add the below code in ur bdc program at the begin of ur code.
For Elimination Of Illegal Screens
DATA: opt TYPE ctu_params.
opt-nobinpt = 'X'.
opt-defsize = 'X'.
opt-updmode = 'A'.
This is realted to screen resolution.
simple example :
if you upload data to table control transaction,sometime it may have 5 line items ,some time it may show 10 line items.
we need fix the size of table control ( it should be fixed ),so we use CTU_PARAMS.
data: f_option type ctu_params,
f_option-updmode = 'S'.
f_option-defsize = 'X'.
f_option-dismode = 'N'.
call transaction 'VA01' using bdcdata options from f_option messages into bdcerror.