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Help with Class CL_BCS

Former Member
0 Kudos

I am pasting a part of the code which I am working on now...

This is related to sending an e-mail using class CL_BCS.. I am trying to send an e-mail with subject line more than 50 characters in it.

The e-mail is already working, i get an e-mail immediately but with a shortened subject line.....

We can use the set_message_subject method to get the subject line longer but it doesnt work still due to some strange reason...

I know that the problem is with the bolded part.. when i went into the debugger mode i see that it compares the subject line which is passed on to the i_subject.

Points are guaranteed.........

  • -------- create persistent send request ------------------------

send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).

clear i_subject.

  • -------- create and set document with attachment ---------------

  • create document from internal table with text

document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(

i_type = 'RAW'

i_text = text

i_length = '12'

i_subject = '' ).

*changing the content of the attachment

binary_content[] = l_iobjbin[].

*change the name of the PDF attachment

concatenate 'Build ID' s_buildid_i 'Rev' v_buildid_rev

into i_att_sub separated by space.

  • add attachment to document

CALL METHOD document->add_attachment

EXPORTING i_attachment_type = 'PDF'

i_attachment_subject = i_att_sub

i_att_content_hex = binary_content.

*subject line more than 50 chars

t_sub = '[ D01 TEST] CCS0000096 NJ 8A7192 21 CONSTITUTION AVE'.


CALL METHOD send_request->set_message_subject


ip_subject = t_sub.


  • add document to send request

CALL METHOD send_request->set_document( document ).


Developer Advocate
Developer Advocate
0 Kudos

How is T_SUB defined? Less than 50 characters?


Rich Heilman

0 Kudos

T_SUB is a string...

0 Kudos

I see no DATA statement for T_SUB. But I'll take your word for it.


Rich Heilman

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Try this way

data : subject type SOTR_TXT.
subject = '[ D01 TEST] CCS0000096 NJ 8A7192 21 CONSTITUTION AVE'.
document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
                     i_type    = 'RAW'
                     i_text = text
                     i_length = '12'
                     i_subject = subject ).


0 Kudos

that doesnt work as the i_subject cannot exceed 50 chars

Former Member
0 Kudos

I found the solution for this

We need to change the configuration settings in SCOT

Set SMTP node to node in use, goto Internet settings and then say '*' in the address area

This will do the work....