2023 Apr 25 10:37 AM
Hi Gurus,
I got the requirement to develop a custom report using standard report (J3RFLVMOBVEDH) output.
Custom report going to have only two columns material group description and their closing balance value. and at the bottom of the report need to display totalof opening balance, receipt, issue, closing balance as shown below,
To do this I used SUBMIT and kept standard report output into field symbol. now from field symbol how to display only selected columns at the output and how to add entire column data to show opening balance, receipt issue and closing balance values as shown above.
By passing material group into T023-MATKL I need to fetch material group description(WGBEZ)
2023 Apr 25 11:47 AM
Debug your program with a break-point after the SUBMIT. Then double-click on your field-symbol and check it's structure.
Work your way from there: create a data type (TYPES or SE11, your choice) for your field-symbol (I assume you have it as ANY), and then use your FS as an internal table to collect the data, sort it and create a display for it.
2023 Apr 25 11:54 AM
I don't answer your question, but just a remark about ABAP semantics: a field symbol doesn't contain anything, there's no data in a field symbol; a field symbol points to a Data Object (i.e. only Data Objects contain data), or points to nothing.
2023 Apr 26 9:21 AM
You will need to create a custom structure in your ABAP report, then move corresponding from your field symbol to the ABAP structures. To get the totals you can loop over the table and do simple addition.