2022 Feb 01 9:49 AM
Hi Team,
Whenever any sequence file got saved in AL11 path the finish characters like Ö are saved as #.So when i am using FEBC tcode to upload entries to SAP .I am facing a dump .
31660300100280022011422011401142588CEOJ037000000000000000170710TÖÖLÖN RAVIN1J00000318000A0
Is stored in AL11 as below
31660300100280022011422011401142588CEOJ037000000000000000170710T##L#N RAVIN1J00000318000A0
So experts kindly provide some valuable solution to this as i am not using any custom program to read these data.Using standard transaction FEBC to upload the same.
2022 Feb 01 10:26 AM
No moi 🙂 (that's finnish, "well, hi")
How did the file end up on the SAP system? (with ascii upload or binary, for example)
What is the exact nature of the dump? "#" simply means it cannot be displayed but if you check the hex value you should be able to see if it matches ascii code 153
2022 Feb 01 11:13 AM
2022 Feb 01 7:13 PM
2022 Feb 02 5:06 PM
HI Team,
The file is received from PI server to ECC application server.File is saved in the AL11 server being read by the transaction FEBC.
Sharing the exact dump as below.