2023 Oct 04 10:08 AM
In the standard text, I have uploaded text from a word document.
The tags are showing as <H> for bold...
When I save and try to test...
It still shows regular font... I have tried using <B> as well and it is the same...
This is the standard text below:
This is how it looks in print preview:
The form being called is an adobe form.
Can someone help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
2023 Oct 04 10:27 AM
Check the context, you need a matching style in the relevant textnode.
2023 Oct 04 10:27 AM
Check the context, you need a matching style in the relevant textnode.
2023 Oct 05 10:47 AM
Do you mind explaining a little bit more? 😅
Thanks a lot 🙂
2023 Oct 05 10:56 AM
The style must be specified in the context for your text node, otherwise formatting will not match the original
Scroll the context until you get to your text node (the one you're bound to in Design), Properties, Style (the last field)
2023 Oct 06 4:07 AM
Thank you very much, c5e08e0478aa4727abc4482f5be390b2
That was the issue...
The value of the style property was missing in the Context.
Issue is resolved now...
Thanks a lot 🙂
2023 Oct 04 12:38 PM
For sure, the answer would depend how you connect the text in your Adobe form...
2023 Oct 04 1:28 PM
2023 Oct 05 8:41 AM
Hello sandra.rossi...
Could you explain more?
Because I did check the layout of the form and the text field seems to be using the field format "Rich Text" which I believe is the correct option...
2023 Oct 05 11:43 AM
Thank you for providing this first explanation. Now you can search the Web how "Rich Text" works e.g. first answer proposed is Displaying Rich (Formatted) text in SAP ADOBE form | SAP Blogs, HTML format and so on.