2023 Apr 28 8:58 AM
Hello Expert,
I want to print my smartform with Gujarati value. I am also try with S010 Gujarati font successfully display when smartforms execute but when convert smartforms with PDF! then it was fail. Please guide me step by step.
Pradip Patel.
2023 Apr 28 9:22 AM
2023 Apr 28 9:28 AM
I know when you play with Adobe Server you have to specified in the ADS the font to be included in the PDF generated. But I don't know if you have to do the same with PDF directly generated from the SAP Server. Maybe with some tool you could identify the fond included in your PDF
2023 Apr 28 7:00 PM
frdric.girod The question is not about the Adobe Document Services (SAP Adobe Forms), it's about the old ABAP converter from OTF to PDF (used by typing PDF! in the Command Field of the Smart Form OTF preview screen).