2012 Jun 14 3:30 PM
Hello Experts,
I have the following requirement.
The final goal is to upload excel data to an internal table and eventually insert it into database table.
Now I understand that I need to use GUI_UPLOAD to upload the data from excel.
The problem is I am not sure about which columns are there in the excel file. e.g
If the internal table is of a structure type having a,b,c,d as its elements.
Now the excel file can only have a,d as the two columns. So I need to be able to upload them and then successfully map it to coressponding entries in the internal table.
The problem is I don't know which columns the input excel file might have. It can have only b or a,b,c,d or so on.. And the requirement is to be able to successfully map it to right columns of the internal table.
I hope I am able to explain it clearly.
Your help is much appreciated.
2012 Jun 14 3:48 PM
Well, you must have some way of identifying which columns are present. The simplest would be to require that the first row of the file is just the column name.
I don't think GUI_UPLOAD handles Excel files well. Search the forum and you'll see better methods.
2012 Jun 14 4:00 PM
Hi Gary,
My suggestion would be to get the whole file into one internal table with only 1 field to hold the whole row. Then based on the header you may identify the number of columns. Since it is an XLS file you can use tab character to separate them.
2012 Jun 14 5:49 PM
do you know the max. of column that the excel could bring?. if you know that info, create a table with Max field columns. I'm using CALL FUNCTION 'TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP' to pass a file xlsx to an interntal table.
After you have the table with all the fields, check the header of the column and redefine where the field should go...example, field3 not empty move to fieldX...
2012 Jun 14 6:40 PM
Hi Gary,
Please use FM ALSM_EXCEL_TO_INTERNAL_TABLE as this FM reads data in row-wise.
Now once you get data inside internal table, you need to add check based on column.
filename = p_infile
i_begin_col = '1'
i_begin_row = '1'
i_end_col = '100'
i_end_row = '3000'
intern = itab
inconsistent_parameters = 1
upload_ole = 2
others = 3.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
message e010(zz) with text-001. "Problem uploading Excel Spreadsheet
* --------------Set first row retrieved to current row
gd_currentrow = itab-row.
loop at itab.
*---------------- Reset values for next row
if itab-row ne gd_currentrow.
append wa_record to it_record.
clear wa_record.
gd_currentrow = itab-row.
case itab-col.
when '0001'. "Materiel Number
wa_record-matnr = itab-value.
when '0002'. "Materiel Description
wa_record-maktx = itab-value.
when '0003'. "Net price
wa_record-netpr = itab-value.
append wa_record to it_record.
Best Ragards,
2012 Jun 15 4:53 AM
Dear Gary Gary,
Please go through the document . It will help you in uploading data directly from Microsoft Excel sheet to internal table.
Here after the upload you have to split the content based on tab '#'.
Number of occurances of '#' in the first line will give you an idea as of how many fields are present, then based on that you can create a dynamic internal table and populate the internal table with data.
Hope it helps. Thank you.
2012 Jun 15 8:49 AM
do you mean to say, the excel sheet can contain columns
a, b - in the 1st and 2nd colum some times OR
a, b, d some times.... 1st , 2nd , 3rd colum somtimes.....
The xecel sheet contains fixed 5 columns but the values are varying put in their approrprite colums - say
a, b in 1st and 2nd col
a, b, d in 1st 2nd and 4th col
Post back with the clarificaiton
2012 Jun 15 9:53 AM
Hello Venkat,
For example, the structure contains firstname, lastname, address and so on upto 30 elements.
Now in the excel file, there can be .. Smith, Gary, St peters parade.. or it can have
St peters parade, Smith, Gary, 80335
Now without column names how can I map it to the respective fields of the database table?
2012 Jun 15 9:55 AM
And this is the SAP CRM system I am talking about so we can only use GUI UPLOAD and no other function modules as they are not present in SAP CRM system.
2012 Jun 15 9:59 AM
Also another requirement is once the report program is written it should not be modified. Meaning if the excel file column names order is different e.g 80335, St peters parade, Gary, Smith, Teacher then without making changes it should be written to the corresponding entries in the database table.
Hope this is clear.
2012 Jun 15 10:10 AM
At least in the Excel sheet do they maintain the headings?
moreover, the heading names should be fixed...
Example... First Name , Address etc...
In the next file theyshould not say instead of Frist name say name and Instead of address say Addr etc
What i Mean is at least they should have consistent Labels.(Fixed name). in all their excel sheet..
That means, atleast, all their excel sheet, the Label names are fixed.(Predefined). Their sequence may be changed...
2012 Jun 15 10:16 AM
Say for e.g if they maintain column names then how can it be done? Column names order is not fixed. So first name, last name , address can be interchanged.
If there are no column names maintained then how can it be done?
Is there any way where we can define some kind of mapping so that we simply change the mapping and the report program remains the same.
2012 Jun 15 2:29 PM
Are you saying that not only the number and order of the fields may change from file to file, but that they may be different from record to record within a particular file??
2012 Jun 15 2:50 PM
In order to access data from the external medium such as Excel sheet, we need / expect a fixed pattern. Other wise it is near to impossible. Because we write code based on logic not building intelligence in the program. Anyways.. we do as follows
1. Ask the privider of excel sheet atleast to provide the Colum heading on the Excel sheet.
2. The column heading they should follow same for all excel sheet. Meaning they should use same name for the column in all their excel sheet.
3. You make an mapping table that maps their column name and your database field.
4. Then Everyime you read excel sheet record - first read the first row and get the colum names and get
the appropriate field from the mapping field
5. Set theloop and Allocate the values accordingly
Hope this brief would help you.. ( Probably you may also have this idea...)
Post back your idea if it is okay to you
2012 Jun 19 10:43 AM
Hi Venkat,
What do you mean when you say Make a mapping table?
2012 Jun 15 12:46 PM
hope this will help Gary..!!
2012 Jun 19 11:12 AM
Hi Gary Gary,
try for the puprose you can use the FM -- TEXT_CONVERT_XLS_TO_SAP
this will take the data from excel and provide you in the form of an internal table.
You can define your internal table with the expected columns but make sure columns should not be less than that in excel, if more no problems .
Then you can process as per the requirement.
here is the code snippet for the same
DATA: itab_contracts TYPE TABLE OF ty_contract,
* Fields of the uploaded file
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_contract,
sales_org LIKE vbak-vkorg,
sales_doc TYPE vbap-vbeln,
sd_item LIKE vbap-posnr,
material_entered LIKE mara-matnr,
sd_item_desc LIKE vbap-arktx,
END OF ty_contract.
filename = filepath_string
filetype = 'ASC'
has_field_separator = 'X'
dat_mode = ''
data_tab = file_data
file_open_error = 1
file_read_error = 2
no_batch = 3
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
i_field_seperator = 'X'
i_line_header = 'X'
i_tab_raw_data = file_data
i_filename = p_fpath
i_tab_converted_data = itab_contracts
conversion_failed = 1
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE 'S' NUMBER sy-msgno
WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4
2013 May 14 5:29 PM
Hi Gary,
Did you find a solution somehow, if yes, could you please share how you achieved it?