2010 Jan 12 6:43 AM
We are doing upgrade from 4.7 to ECC6. While testing one of the program which uses OLE and downloads few details to MSWORD, we noticed that few of the variables of type OBJ_RECORD are not getting populated in the program. So few of the details are missing in MSWORD. We compared the program in old and new version and found that there are no differences in the code.
Pasted below is one piece of code in which the variable is not getting populated.
DATA: gs_word TYPE ole2_object, "OLE object handle
gs_documents TYPE ole2_object, "Documents
gs_tables TYPE ole2_object, "Tables
gs_range TYPE ole2_object, "Range handle for various ranges
gs_table TYPE ole2_object, "One table
gs_table_border TYPE ole2_object, "Table border
gs_cell TYPE ole2_object, "One cell of the table
CREATE OBJECT gs_word 'WORD.APPLICATION' . " We get the values in the structure gs_word after the execution of this statement.
*--Setting object's visibility property
SET PROPERTY OF gs_word 'Visible' = '1' .
*--Opening a new document
GET PROPERTY OF gs_word 'Documents' = gs_documents . " Though sy-subrc returns 0, gs_documents will not get populated.
CALL METHOD OF gs_documents 'Add' .
GET PROPERTY OF gs_table 'Borders' = gs_table_border .
SET PROPERTY OF gs_table_border 'Enable' = '1' . "With border " Returns sy-subrc Eq 3 and gs_table_border will be empty
CALL METHOD OF gs_table 'Cell' = gs_cell " gs_table will be blank so is gs_cell.
#1 = '1' "first row
#2 = ld_counter. "column
*--Getting the range handle to write the text
GET PROPERTY OF gs_cell 'Range' = gs_range . "returns sy-subrc eq 2.
As i m new to ABAP OLE, i m not able to figure out the error. Can sombody help me solve this.
2011 Nov 26 1:23 AM
Did you solved the problem,Our problem same you,If you solved it,can you tell me how to do it? Thank you!