2009 Mar 19 7:51 PM
We have a requirement to download and upload URL link from GOS from one document to another i.,e from purchase req to purchase order etc.
Is there any standard function module/method available to retrieve from one document update/save into new document? So I can place in a bdi of purchase order.
2009 Mar 19 11:24 PM
2009 Mar 20 9:20 AM
Here is a small example how you can get the GOS from a VC01N_M document....
Maybe that will help you ?
*---1) Get GOS attachments for VC01N_M document
refresh: ta_srgbtbrel.
select * from srgbtbrel into table ta_srgbtbrel
where instid_a = p_vbeln
and typeid_a = 'BUS1051'
and catid_a = 'BO'.
check sy-subrc eq 0.
sort ta_srgbtbrel by instid_a typeid_a catid_a.
delete adjacent duplicates from ta_srgbtbrel
comparing instid_a typeid_a catid_a.
loop at ta_srgbtbrel into wa_srgbtbrel.
clear: gs_lpor.
gs_lpor-instid = wa_srgbtbrel-instid_a.
gs_lpor-typeid = wa_srgbtbrel-typeid_a.
gs_lpor-catid = wa_srgbtbrel-catid_a.
ls_option-sign = 'I'.
ls_option-option = 'EQ'.
ls_option-low = 'ATTA'.
append ls_option to lt_options.
ls_option-low = 'NOTE'.
append ls_option to lt_options.
ls_option-low = 'URL'.
append ls_option to lt_options.
call method cl_binary_relation=>read_links_of_binrels
is_object = gs_lpor
it_relation_options = lt_options
ip_role = 'GOSAPPLOBJ'
ip_no_buffer = 'X'
et_links = lt_links.
loop at lt_links into ls_link.
document_id = ls_link-instid_b.
*-------------Get all information on a document
clear: document_data.
refresh: object_content, object_content.
call function 'SO_DOCUMENT_READ_API1'
document_id = document_id
document_data = document_data
object_content = object_content
contents_hex = contents_hex
document_id_not_exist = 1
operation_no_authorization = 2
x_error = 3
others = 4.
attdoctype = document_data-obj_type.
atttitle = document_data-obj_descr.
attsize = document_data-doc_size.
* attsize = xstrlen( fp_formoutput-pdf ).
*-------------Binary_tab must be in SOLIX table format
refresh: binary_tab.
binary_tab[] = contents_hex[].
* binary_tab = cl_document_bcs=>xstring_to_solix(
* ip_xstring = fp_formoutput-pdf ).
*-------------2) Add attachment to email
document->add_attachment( exporting i_attachment_type = attdoctype
i_attachment_subject = atttitle
i_attachment_size = attsize
i_attachment_language = sy-langu
i_att_content_hex = binary_tab ).